Extreme Withdrawal's - Advice Please


Active Member

I have decided to quit about a week ago due to money constraints, and feeling as though 8 years of hard smoking is enough. I am a medical marijuana patient for Ulcerative Colitis, a digestive disorder. I can handle pain, psychological problems, and other things, because I've been through worse. However, the LOSS OF APPETITE is absolutely KILLING ME.

I would like to know on average how long most peoples loss of appetite has lasted. It's been about a week and the idea of food repulses me and I feel like throwing up (but haven't). Not getting this food in my body is absolutely killing my motivation and strength (can't exercise), and I would almost prefer to go through cigarette withdrawal over this shit! It really feels like my colitis is making this harder.

If anyone has any tips to boost appetite without hitting the chronic that would be awesome. I have bought some Ensure drinks to keep my nutrients up. I can drink water like crazy however :)

PS. I also stopped caffeine around the same time after being a daily 2-3 cup drinker. Double withdrawals o_O


Well-Known Member
I quit for a long time after staying high for years. It kind of sucked, but I filled my time doing other things. There were a million projects I never got around to due to being stoned. Long walks, reading, building that deck you have wanted forever. Good luck.

I'd go back to caffeine too, and double up on that shit!


Probably the hardest question that has been posed on here..... and one that hits home. I have trouble eating when i do smoke, so i really understand where you are coming from.
So i say go basic here, (i would probably add a little caffeine probably half the problem is the double quit) try and get some of your favorite meals, cook them at home if possible, a lot of times the nose can help here, and a lot of times it can just make you sick.
Try to find something that relaxes your mind, it will help with the stomach.
And try to stop stressing over things, that will make the biggest difference. I bet half the people on here that own there place are behind on the mortgage, i know i am!
O and good luck! Hope you can feel at least a little better, i truly feel your pain here!


Well-Known Member
Why would you stop smoking if you have Ulcerative Colitis? I have the most severe form of UC (Pancolitis) and I would literally be pissing feces out of my ass if I didn't have MMJ....

Bodhi Diesel

Active Member

I have decided to quit about a week ago due to money constraints, and feeling as though 8 years of hard smoking is enough. I am a medical marijuana patient for Ulcerative Colitis, a digestive disorder. I can handle pain, psychological problems, and other things, because I've been through worse. However, the LOSS OF APPETITE is absolutely KILLING ME.

I would like to know on average how long most peoples loss of appetite has lasted. It's been about a week and the idea of food repulses me and I feel like throwing up (but haven't). Not getting this food in my body is absolutely killing my motivation and strength (can't exercise), and I would almost prefer to go through cigarette withdrawal over this shit! It really feels like my colitis is making this harder.

If anyone has any tips to boost appetite without hitting the chronic that would be awesome. I have bought some Ensure drinks to keep my nutrients up. I can drink water like crazy however :)

PS. I also stopped caffeine around the same time after being a daily 2-3 cup drinker. Double withdrawals o_O
Money constraints?

If you have UC or Crohns, you need to be medicating. I highly advise NOT smoking though. Either edibles or vaporizing is the way to go.

My wife has never smoked cannabis in her life. She has severe UC and uses edibles for appetite stimulation and for anti nausea. It literally saved her life.

Find a way to get medicated, give up something else to help offset the cost.


I have Crohn's Disease so I know exactly how ya feel. When I can't eat, I will go on a liquid diet of soups (mostly tomato and chicken noodle) for a week or so. Also, a couple months ago I purchased a juicer and I LOVE making juices to help get the vitamins and nourishment I'm missing. I typically use different combinations of carrots, apples, spinach, broccoli, celery, wheatgrass, and ginger (great for stomach ailments). There's tons of material to read on the internet about specific veggies for different conditions. Ensure shakes are also a great way to get nutrients, every time I'm in the hospital for an extended time they give me several per day.

Also, smoking helps me more than any medicine I've ever been on. Usually a smoking session for me involves just a couple hits, just enough to take edge off and get a good high going. I've found that the more I smoke like this, instead of smoking 2 or 3 bowls and getting stoned out of my mind (obviously I do sometimes cuz it's just fun haha) the more my tolerance stays down and I end up smoking way less weed over time, which saves me money. I've been smoking for years and I like to keep a low tolerance on purpose. I hope you start feeling better, I wouldn't wish UC or CD on my worst enemy. I always just say in my head "it could ALWAYS be WORSE" Take care.


u cant grow your own? or is that too expensive too? man i hate hearing shit like this...someone should be helping you get your damn medication. worse case scenario try to save up to buy some basic indoor grow equipment...


Active Member
I agree with above postings, you should cut some other expenditures before this one, you obviously need it. How much do you smoke a month? You very well may be able to keep yourself supplied with a small CFL setup. Very cheap to get started that way.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
u did the right thing quiting the caffiiene, its cocaine in bean form. i think you should keep it up with that and go back to smoking, but alot less than before. ive learned to limit myself to a gram a day and its helped my pocket for sure. i ran out of bud a week ago and went cold turkey. and yes i had the sweaty hands and couldnt eat like i used to but that passed after about 4 days and i only eat when im hungry now. good luck


I also suffer a digestive disorder and give up now and again for a month or two, for that and other reason's e.g Work and money issues.

And i don't feel like food at all, but as soon as i force that first bit in, i can clear my plate easy.

Just take that First Chew...