Extreme training!

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
The Girls.jpg

Hope I entered the pic right... We've been tying the girls down with twine. That one on the right just keeps growin' & growin! The neighbour's fence is about 15 feet from the left side of the box. The box is about 3x3. The broccoli is in there 1) to take up space from a girl that died, and 2) to give the animals something to munch on besides my herbs.

Hope that's what you're after!

edit: not that you can see what the hell's going on in there. Oh well. My bad.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member

LST with Bucket & Bamboo stick fence.... Plus Air Root sites.. the Panty hose wrapped spots. Those will be Clones, and Multiple Root sites planted in the soil later...

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Yep, its the same process. I have a thread going here >> https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/359866-conjoined-air-root-cloning-multiple.html <<

The funnel is at the top of the water level tube, so I can add new water there. Its kind of a funky Soil - DWC Hybrid. Ive got an airpot, inside the bucket liner, resting on a couple inch layer of hydroton rocks, and nute solution in the bucket up to level of hydroton. With the hydroton layer, its sort of a barrier so the bubbles dont splash the soil and keep it too wet. The roots get all the soil action they want, and all the DWC action that they want.... for those roots that decide to wander down there.