extract resin


Well-Known Member
I need to clean my bowl but theres TONS of resin in there and I'd like to extract it while still being able too smoke the resin

I've thought about using rubbing alcohol and just putting the resin and rubbing alcohol mixture on a plate and letting the alcohol evaporate

Will that work with rubbing alcohol

If not is there any better way to do it besides a paper clip lol

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Let bowl soak in iso (atleast 91%) for 12 hrs or so moving pipe around every so often. Remove pipe let iso air evap with fan. Scrape it up and smoke it...... word of caution it is going to taste like ass


Well-Known Member
Let us know how it tastes.... Lol

On a serious note, it really is going to taste very very bad so think twice about it perhaps..


Well-Known Member
I did this and mixed with PG to kake ejuice. Tastes like, resin. I will say this, I didnt throw it away but it is def for a rainy day.