Extra THC?


Sup peepz! I havent been on here for awhile, been busy wit da girls. And their almost ready to be tasted haha! But before I do that...I was wondering if any of you gurus on here know if it's true that by shutting the lights off for the last few days...that there's more thc production? Hopefully someone can help me. Thanx peepz! happy growing everyone!!!


Really...? hmmm...? i'm gonna definitely gonna try. Do u know if they have to be almost ready? or can I do that at time after the sitxh week and It'll still work? thanks!


Active Member
You wanna wait till 3 days before harvest to do 72 hrs darkness. If you were to do it, let's say at 6 weeks, you would be adding extra stress and possibly cause it to throw out some nanners. On your next grow pick up a bottle of either purple maxx or snow storm ultra, both made by Humboldt Counties Own. I've used both and tested it on clones from the same mother plant. Both those products do exactly what they say, massive increase in trichs.