Experts Please Help! Exhaust On or Off during Night Cycle? Co2?


Active Member
constant air flow reduces mold, as well as the need for supplemental oxygen and co2. there is plenty of co2 and oxy in the air, but to take proper advantage of it you will need to flush the air 24/7. some of you will use powerful fans that bother neighbors or roommates, so maybe use a smaller fan if that's the prob and shit can the humidity at night mainly because of the fact that it is useless and eventually counterproductive and even distructive in the dark for this plant. but, make sure that you are getting fresh air too. don't go through the motions, step correctly and make it fresh air, as opposed to just oscillating in your habitat and recycling stale humid air. so, the answer is YES. run it at night.


Well-Known Member
I am not currently running my exhaust at night. I do run a intake fan but that is it. I have a little hole that I close during the time when my exhaust is on to seal the room as much as possible. It helps hold the heat in.

Plants don't photosynthesize at night due to no light. I would think that basically the plant's processes slow way down. I would think that this means that it wouldn't need all of the fresh air from an exhaust running all night. Just my 2 cents.

The one person on here says that plants need oxygen or uptake's oxygen and that to me is just not right. Plants breathe CO2 and exhale O2. They don't need oxygen (O2). Just wanted to make that clear.

I liked the explanation of c3 and c4 plants whoever said that.


Well-Known Member

i saw ur last thread

u really think the room is gonna "stockpile" the co2 the plants give off at night and then use it later to get dense buds


u do know basements / closets / bedrooms arnt air-tight right?

(PS if ur planning on using a cabinet to trap the co2 by turning off the fans, the most u would get is maybe 5 minutes worth of Co2 at the cost of not giving your plants air circulation)
hyper-trollic in here today.