expert advice needed with clone from flowering plant.

Picture 025.jpgPicture 026.jpgSo this morning my dog took a cord for a ride and alot went with it. lol, I am a new grower and think im doing good on my first grow, like so many other newbies we dont clone in the beginning, We sex and grow. my point!
the top of my encloser collapsed and broke one of the 3 main cola's off, this is the sweetest plant i have , and looks like the best nug, I took the broken stem trimmed of the buds and put it in my humidity dome with my other new clones. I have read alot of positive things on clonning during flowering, i could use some advice if im missing something..

I trimmed the buds of carefully, trimmed the fan leaves, i tehn did the 45degree cut and dipped it in rootone, it is now in my cloning dome, which is a humidity dome with a heating pad under it. First hand experience would be great. This is my first post i used to be on another site. This one seems better.
do you think i can root it and use it as a mother?
Yes most def it can root and become a mother plat.The only thing it will have to revert to veg and it could show some mutant growth.


Well-Known Member
It will root, probably. That is a thick stem and likely is more wood and hollow than fleshy. Just give it more time. The spots where new growth would appear look iffy to me. As for the heat pad, does it have a thermostat on it or does it always stay on? If it doesn't have a controller, be careful it doesn't cook your clones.

Welcome to RIU. I hope you find your stay here informative and fun.


RIU Bulldog
Well your fucked.... lol
Like a torn torn ACL, shes out for the season.
You could keep her around for a mother plant for like an experiment or something I guess...
Shes alway gonna be fucked up for having to revert to veg. She'll grow REALLY slow from now on and her clones might too. (one guy I read about, clones went straight to flower no matter how much light you gave it)

I say, kill the dog.,,,but thats just me
unfortunetly you are wrong beansly there are thousands of growers who will only clone from a flowering plant. I was reading a few threads on this site from some very intelligent men who prefer cloning a flowering plant. I asked for an expert, obviously from your words you know nothing about the subject. I understand a lazy minded soul would throw it away, but when i see hundreds of videos and forums and testimonials i have to believe it. Why would thousands of growers all lie about great sucess with what i am asking.


Well-Known Member
Well your fucked.... lol
Like a torn torn ACL, shes out for the season.
You could keep her around for a mother plant for like an experiment or something I guess...
Shes alway gonna be fucked up for having to revert to veg. She'll grow REALLY slow from now on and her clones might too. (one guy I read about, clones went straight to flower no matter how much light you gave it)

I say, kill the dog.,,,but thats just me
I'm not sure where you get your information but you are way off here. Most experienced growers begin to take clones off of plants that are in 2-3 weeks of flowering, from the lower side shoots of the plants. The clones come out just fine.

I would suggest that the poster just continue with what he is doing and ignore the advice to kill the cutting.


Well-Known Member
I leave my nursery Flouros on 24 hours. Normally, 7-10 days for a clone, but that is a woody stem and it may take longer. Did you scrape a bit of the skin off the stem before dipping it? That really helps speed it up.
yes i did, and i have been mist teh dome and plants every 4-5 hours, i just got the heating pad and the dome seems to be doing much better. Humidity wise that is.


Well-Known Member
I mist twice a day. Also make sure to leave dome off a few minutes each day for fresh air. Just don't do what i did once and walk off and leave it off. I cam back and saw what i had done and I was so angry at myself. All of the leaves had withered and had fallen limp. I misted and covered and went to bed saddened. The next morning, it looked as though it had never happened. :)

Weed is an amazing plant!
cool- i really apreciate it, do i mist them the whole process, they are in rapid rooters. do i ever water them..the bottom try has no water in it


Well-Known Member
When you mist, spray the tray well enough to leave a mist on it but not allow water to pool up in the cells. Too much can cause mold or fungus on the leaves and at this point, that is all that is keeping the plant alive.


RIU Bulldog
unfortunately you are wrong beansly there are thousands of growers who will only clone from a flowering plant. I was reading a few threads on this site from some very intelligent men who prefer cloning a flowering plant. I asked for an expert, obviously from your words you know nothing about the subject. I understand a lazy minded soul would throw it away, but when i see hundreds of videos and forums and testimonials i have to believe it. Why would thousands of growers all lie about great success with what i am asking.

AWWW, is baby upset because she dropped her plant???
If I did something that dumb I' be upset too.
Well if you know so damn much why even ask prick-o? I didn't say anything to warrant such a dickheaded attack from you .
It's obvious that you made your mind up as to what you were gonna do before you wrote the thread. No one said anything about throwing it away, I said keep it... And of course you can clone from a flowering plant, they just take longer if your planning in vegging them. Don't ask a stupid question you already know the answer to then shit on somebody if you don't agree with them.
they do not take longer you are inccorect, they are already mature and develop a better root system, once again , please do not interupt threads just to be a toolbag. How am i a jerk when i asked for expert advice , you being a "now nothing" grower answered. Not my problem. This is the kinda stuff that was aggravating on the other site, guess ignorance is thick. You know nothing about cultivating the plant so just read and learn from others. You are the definition of what is called a 'TROLL' ,good luck knowing nothing!


Active Member
this is pretty hilarious to see you two going back and forward like this, but i dont think your even reading what he is saying. he is saying that cloning from a flowering plant will take longer if you revert it to veg than if you take a clone form a veg plant and re veg it. not that it will take longer to root just to grow because you re-vegging the plant which would add a couple weeks. not sure but i may be the idiot and you may know what he means but either way. keep up the good work and best of luck either way.


RIU Bulldog
they do not take longer you are inccorect, they are already mature and develop a better root system, once again , please do not interupt threads just to be a toolbag. How am i a jerk when i asked for expert advice , you being a "now nothing" grower answered. Not my problem. This is the kinda stuff that was aggravating on the other site, guess ignorance is thick. You know nothing about cultivating the plant so just read and learn from others. You are the definition of what is called a 'TROLL' ,good luck knowing nothing!
Cloning from a flowering plant is harder, and takes longer, and stresses your already flowering female....but its possible.
If you were as smart as you think you are you would have done it in veg state like your supposed to and saved yourself a headache.

Your the one asking for help, why be a douchebag too?
u r incorrect, cloning can be achieved equally as fast if not faster from a flowering plant.the plant is already mature and has a devolped root system. Please stop with your un referenced knowledge, i do not mind if you continue the battle but why when your information is 100% false and untested. Stick to what you know. There ar many many many many many many top growers who clone only from flowering plants!!!!!! many many many many many..who know more than you.! give it a rest you are outclassed, go back to the newbie forum or something//