Expert advice needed on re-vegging.

Picture 034.jpgI just harvested a plant which i really like, My first question? will this plant re-vegg the way i have trimmed it? To much or did i cut to much?
If i have a plant that had some seeds in the buds, will the clones be polinated as well? or will they be frsh clean females?


Active Member
clones will be same as mother. looks like that plat is done if you took more than 50% of it then its done for, but you could clone thous remaing branches.


Well-Known Member
stick her back under 24 mate she will come back, good luck, i have re vegged with just one branch left on...


Well-Known Member
Yep she has gone to seed
so the bud will be ok
but the seeds will be male or female but a the same strain unless you crossed it with a different strain male