experiments with trichomes?


Active Member
Hey all i just got new electric grinder amd im gonna stockpile up on trichomes :)
apart from the odd dusty cone here and there are there any other random ideas i could look up and give a go?


Well-Known Member
Pipe n fine mesh screen. If you get top notch you can actually have a full melt. So get it in one hit and clean screen between hits.


Well-Known Member
I smoke it when I run out of weed :P Me and my partner call them 'Hashys'. Apart from that I'm not to sure what you can do with them. :weed:


Active Member
Pipe n fine mesh screen. If you get top notch you can actually have a full melt. So get it in one hit and clean screen between hits.
Any particular pipe? or just any old pipe? and ive never actually smoked anything using a mesh, whats the brief setup sorry xD


Active Member
put it in your joints, I've used a coffee grinder for years to bust up my weed and I either put it in my joint press it to do tokes or just smoke it loose in a pipe or bong by it self or on top of some weed


Well-Known Member
i ran a few grams of dry ice hash. and it turned out to be some very golden honey oil..i used frozen trim/bud and some dry ice then shook it in a bubble bag the 220 micron bag.. then after that dried up i froze that for a few days then i used 99% iso and poured a few oz's of iso over it and slowly evaporated on my griddle and after it was gone i scraped the most golden honey from my tray i have ever seen . it didn't make it to get a pic.. we puffed on dabs and was couch locked till the next day..


Active Member
Yeah you could do that. There are ways to clean it too a method I've done is take a small cup or container with some water dump what you've scraped out of your grinder in the water the trichomes will sink to the bottom and most of the impurities will float use a spoon to take the stuff of the top and dump the remaining out on to a coffee filter let dry and now you have a much cleaner product. It won't be 100% or anything but much cleaner then what it was

Surely if you stored enough of it you could use it to make a much stronger oil of some type?


Well-Known Member
After making bubble hash can you turn into a real form of hash with heat and compression?
I guess that depends on your definition of real hash. It will never be hand pressed Charas, but you can press it into solid form, for transportation or storage. For that purpose we use a simple die made out of pipe fittings and a split hardened dowel, in conjunction with a hydraulic press, but you can also buy pollen presses, or use clay extruders, etc.

We also use our system to make Cannabuttons out of ground plant material, and the press works as a glycerin and oil press on its side.

Press in horizontal position for tincture-1.jpg


Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Definition of the word hashish, there is only one and it is over 1000 years old
Psychoactive drug made from sieving the resin glands of the dried Cannabis flowers and from pressing them with a source of heat


Well-Known Member
Definition of the word hashish, there is only one and it is over 1000 years old
Psychoactive drug made from sieving the resin glands of the dried Cannabis flowers and from pressing them with a source of heat
We're tracking except for the heat source. Hand pressed Charas, punched with thumb pressure in the palm of someones hand, until it softens and sticks together, doesn't require additional heat beyond body heat and that generated from kneading.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Charas is not pressed Fadedawg.
Here is the definition
Psychoactive drug made from gently hand rubbing live mature female Cannabis flowers to collect the resin glands.
You are talking about Hand pressed Hashish which was, and still is, the ultimate quality in any producing country since the dawn of time.
Hashish is pressed using body heat as well as the sun or a warm environment and the heat produced by the friction of the hand knitting the resin, Royal Nepalese Tempe Balls is a good example.
Afghanis will use the coal of a fire to warm their hands, in fact if you start to study in depth pressing techniques you will find that a source of heat is always involved


Well-Known Member
You are correct that Charas is collected by hand rubbing, instead of sieving, my bad choice of words.

The point I actually was trying to make, was that nothing beyond the heat of pressing with the thumb in the palm of your hand is required to press hash out of trichomes, though it will certainly speed it up.

I do it with only the heat of compression from a 6 ton bottle jack, but usually don't, because I prefer my dry sieve and bubble loose. I also have no need to preserve it for long periods of time or transport it over any great distances.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
There is much more to pressing than aging and ease of transportation Fadedawg, I wrote an article about it for High Times that will hopefully be on print in the near future.
It start like this :
Traditions are the reflection of the power of human observation and the corner stone of evolution, those that stand the test of time should be evaluated scientifically to show that the custom is in fact more than just old meaningless rituals. It is the best practice for the process.
I have learned the "trade" in a few producing countries with true masters of the "art" and they ALL use a source of heat when pressing, they have never heard the word "Decarboxylation" but they know how to activate


Well-Known Member
Hee, hee, hee, for sure I'm the master of nothing, and not even well versed on the subject of hash, beyond minor personal experimentation starting in the 60's and reading Robert Clarke, et al, but I think we are not in disagreement, as much as saying two different things.

Regardless of tradition and what works best in the hands of the gifted master, I'm saying that if you continue to press kif in the palm of your hand, with your thumb, it will turn to putty, with no more than body or compressive heat.

The definition that you posted, didn't make that clear, nor did clearly state that if external heat was not applied, the product was not hashish, so I see it as ambiguous, as opposed to erroneous.

Heat may make it a faster process, and any number of other nuances apply to make it primo, but my statement was focused specifically on "required" vis a vis "good practice."

In context, the original question was, "After making bubble hash can you turn into a real form of hash with heat and compression?" Your point is well taken that you can't make traditional Hashish from bubble, which was what I was alluding to with my "define hashish" comment, and on which we agree.

Are you saying that you can't make putty out of kif just by kneading it in the palm of your hand with your thumb, or that I can't make a hash puck using a hydraulic press and die with no heat, or simply that the product would not be traditional hashish?