Experimental Grow, What do you think?


Active Member
I have grown many different strains in many different mediums and have found that My outdoor plants thrive and grow more vigorously from the conditions and from the sun. With that being said I have found that my indoor plants have thrived more when growing in hydro flood drain method. So pondering this I decided what if, I grew outdoors hydroponically? Would I get the best of both worlds? My outdoor grows have never been less than 10 gallons of soil per plant and my indoor has never been less than 5 gallons of root space always deeper than wide. I would go 5 plants total each in separate 20 gallon containers being fed from a 150 gallon reservoir using a float. I would use a Pheno that has already previously thrived in outdoor conditions in my area. I have never heard of anyone doing it so Im seriously considering. What do you guys and gals think?


Well-Known Member
Been there done that.....you will need to keep the reservoir cold, this can be quite hard when it is july and aug.... you can frezze 2 litter bottles to keep water cool, will work but mon has found it too much work...


Active Member
My plan was to have the res inside my garage which is climate controlled and just drill 3/4 inch holes and run the line out. I don't believe I would have a problem there. What were your results? Was it worth the trouble? For me it would just be fun while others find it as work.