Experienced Sativa Grower Please...


So I am well on my way into flowering. Still not many milky trichs yet but starting to turn. I would say it's at about 20% milky. I have some clear amber trichs but none opaque or even cloudy. My main q is this: What in the hell with Sativa and pistil production? The entire plant went orange and I was thinking it was about chop time. I get up this morning and there are more calyxes producing white hairs??? this is the 3rd time she has done this... Do they ever stop pushing new pistils out? Do I need to pay attn only to the trichs on this one? I am going to continue to learn sativas 1 plant at a time per harvest of my indicas and just need some inkling of a clue. I didnt realize just how different the 2 main plant characteristics were until now.

I am stuck so plz help...