experienced grower needs help


Active Member
i have plants that were transplanted outside and started to flower they reveged but all the undergrowth has browned and died off, which dramatically reduce yield.:cry: there is still some undergrowth but is diying quickly. i have used high nitrogen fert, fox farm, in combination with bat guano to stabilize and allow for more green grwoth, but still can not help the undergrowth and bud sites that are dying quicky. Since it went into flowering would it be a good idea to up the potassium that has been taken out of the soil because of early budding.


Active Member
yes I would add potash and phosphorus it might need some micro nutrients I know that the foxfarm nutrients have had a micro nutrient problems quite a bit. maybe try some spray n grow it is a micro nutrient foliar feed it is made by the same company that makes coco wet. maybe it needs some magnesium also.