Experience Growers care to take a look? Male or Female?


Well-Known Member
To start off let me say that I have looked at many pictures of male and female plants before posting and I am pretty good at spotting males in my past grows. This one however just showed these signs and I was wondering if it's a male. It looks like balls to be but it may be too early to tell. I am posting because this is probably my best new indoor plant (LST'd) and it's really bothering me. Any input at all would really help.

:peace:Thanks all :peace:



Well-Known Member
Wow man lol, thats a close call. It does look round like a male but it is still a little to early to tell. Wait a few more days and it'll tell you

My best plant this year turned out to be a male lol, hopefully same doesn't happen to you


Active Member
I agree with the other two posters- it is a little too early to be certain, but it does look like a ball in the crotch and not pistils. Give it a week or less and check back on it. Good luck.