Everything Cool!

We Love 1

New Member
Hi! :oops: (Forgive me, I'm shy, but Your My people. This all happened inadvertantly. I'm having a hard time fathoming all this too, and I too have many questions. But, this was Gods purpose. I have much to learn. I am no dictator, I just want world peace and prosperity.)

I have dreams!

We have incredible potential! Knowing Our mistakes is the first part. Lets do everything good from now on.

Life is like a poem, let Us write it how We want.



The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
Hello. Not sure what you're trying to tell us, but I'm sure it'll make its way out one way or the other. :)

We Love 1

New Member
(I believe I have become Christ.)

I'm giving up my life so I can save the world. "We need change!"

Whatever I have to do, I'll do it. I'll give my life up for Us.


The REVOLUTION has begun!



We Love 1

New Member
I've taken on the job of trying to save this world. Feel free to join.

I believe I've become Christ. *Gulps- because I'm really not that hubris*

There has been to many parallels between me and Jesus, and if the sandles fits, wear it. :D

I'm a kind hearted person with great intentions, but I'll admit that I have problems and I've been going through "hell". :(

We have so much GREAT technology, and We could employ the masses if We all worked together.

Heres some ideas to ponder. Why not harvest the power of running water with inline hydroelectric generators? What about underwater "windmills" that use the oceans currents to collect electricity? Why not turn workout equipment into electric producing machines, so that as your riding your bicycle your putting electricity into your walls to save money. Why not build underground cities so that We can farm more under the sun.

We should build pyramids too!


You have to check these out^^^...

The REVOLUTION has begun!



Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
the first 2 things exist

and who the fuck wants to live underground, you'd die of vitamin d deficiency or something

and Cyclops couldn't shoot his lasers

We Love 1

New Member
and who the fuck wants to live underground
I'd sleep underground and leave paridise for the topside!

There would be lights like in a mall or something. Plus you wouldn't be held captive, just think of all the space topside for nature.

Its a great idea!


The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
and I want to grow flowers out of my ass and raise butterflies and pet a unicorn and ride a rainbow and hug everything.

barf :spew:


Well-Known Member
hahahaha wow man pass that over here cuz it must be some good smoke to make you think you are Jesus Christ. It is a start you beleive in him and you have some very very good ideas my friend +rep for them but when my god comes every knee shall bow and every voice shall sing his praises but keep your revolution going friend.