Every time I come to RIU now I get popups?


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering if something new is going on I am getting this advertisement pop into another page and I just scanned my computer 3 times... I am worried I have some kind of malware of some kind but it is only happening on THIS site. I don't think its your guys fault either.


Staff member
and it happens and no other websites?

what kinda pop ups like marijuana advertisements?

what kind of browser do you have ?

when did it start?

Have your visited or clicked anything suspicious outside of riu?

can you screen shot it and put it up?

I mean there are endless possibilities to this, so you need to provide me with enough information to go on, kinda searching for a needle in a haystack blind at the moment.


Well-Known Member
it is random ass links, this one just popped up.

It isn't even a popup but its another tab that gets added. It only happens when I click on something here and it is windows explorer I usually use firefox or chrome but for some reason it is going slow on this site.

I am tripped out because I never had this problem before and wasn't lookin at any weird links. I think I got screwed on this one.
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Staff member
it is random ass links, this one just popped up.

It isn't even a popup but its another tab that gets added. It only happens when I click on something here and it is windows explorer I usually use firefox or chrome but for some reason it is going slow on this site.

I am tripped out because I never had this problem before and wasn't lookin at any weird links. I think I got screwed on this one.
that is probably a virus on your registry which is just happening when you use IE i doubt the virus came off riu or we would have more and more complaints, and yours is the only one
So it is probably specific to you and something you did online that is now effecting internet explorer since chrome and firefox have better protection , i would suggest you go to a forum specific for computer and virus issues a quick google search brings up the issues youre having

weird links are often placed by non weird links such as a message from a friend on fb saying check this,
its really hard to figure otu where you got it from, but i can say in our history we've had no issues with virus' on riu specifically, given that no one else has complained it is lead me to believe this is an issue with your own computer from something else.