Ever seen this?


Active Member
if u read articles about pot grow bust and ppl getting arrested alot of the time they get caught becuz they either told too many ppl or they are stealing electricity!!! u might get away w it for a lil but they will find out eventually


Well-Known Member
Yes it works, only if your house still has meter readers, I stuck a big speaker magnet on the outside of my meter and it practically stopped!!

This is NOT something I reccomend!! But if you went to your meter every morning and threw the big magnet on there for an hour you could save a lot of money!!!!

This was back in 1998 too! I dont know if they have upgraded systems, it would be real real easy to put a detector that would flip when a magnet gets too close, but this was an older house with an old meter.


Well-Known Member
They won't cart you off to jail for theft using one of these, that's silly. Your meter reader will find it and then they'll shut off your power. Then you'll be wihtout power a week maybe while the HR or accounts department plays phone games with you. And it could lead someone to take a sniff around and see if they can smell a sweet/stinky smelling reason that might explain your theft.

You're calling attention to yourself, they look for any stupid stuff like this, that's a meter readers job.


Well-Known Member
Yup, bad idea all around whether you're growing or not, whether you are a medical patient or not. Stealing electricity is never a good idea.


Well-Known Member
i like this im probably gona do it in my other house where i dont grow just to rip off the goverment.but i live in a shity part of europe,in the us i wouldt think of doing somethig like that.your systems is merciless


Well-Known Member
Well, I believe I will take your advise in regard to using one of these things. Thanks for your advise. Been a long time since I have been accused of being a smart ass. Gave me a pretty good laugh there....thanks again.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
i used to work apartment maintenance and people would open the meter and flip the counter up side down and wall-a your meter spins back wards. but again why risk steeling power in the states it can be a felony in itself let alone attrack any one


Well-Known Member
electric companys are phasing out these old style meters. most of them i see these days are digi.my friend told me all types of stories people used to do. he said one guy even drilled a small hole at the top and poured maple syrup or some shit to slow it up . anyway mad amounts of bugs and shit got in there. he got caught because it totally fucked his meter up and the power company had to come replace it.how the fuck do you explain that one. well i was cooking pancakes and uhh......yeah ok. coat hangers , magnets, syrup . you need to take the whole meter socket off and tap the line side of that shit comin in to a secret subpanel somewheres in your house. thats the way to do it.just say it was like that when you moved in. you never knew.. haha


Well-Known Member
Any magnet on the meter will slow down the wheel. The meter readers know about this trick and it will get you in big trouble.

Turning the meter upside down runs it backward - this works better than the magnet.

Also you can drill holes through the back of the meter and tap in to the hot wire before the meter and steal electricity that way.

There is a way that can help some and is not illegal. The power runs in to your house on 2 110v poles that can be combined together to make a 220v connection.
Now 220v is more efficient than 110. If you have your electric system balanced it will cost less to run.
So if you have a 110v ac and a 1000w HPS put them on oposit poles. Or buy all 220v stuff.


Well-Known Member
Any magnet on the meter will slow down the wheel. The meter readers know about this trick and it will get you in big trouble.

Turning the meter upside down runs it backward - this works better than the magnet.

Also you can drill holes through the back of the meter and tap in to the hot wire before the meter and steal electricity that way.

There is a way that can help some and is not illegal. The power runs in to your house on 2 110v poles that can be combined together to make a 220v connection.
Now 220v is more efficient than 110. If you have your electric system balanced it will cost less to run.
So if you have a 110v ac and a 1000w HPS put them on oposit poles. Or buy all 220v stuff.
Very true. 220volts runs at less amps then 110 volts. So if your lights are wired for 220volts you will use less amps and your bill to run that light is less. But your lights and stuff have to be capible of running 220volts. So you guys out there don't wire 220 volts to a 110 volt system. You'll fry that thing. LMAO.


Well-Known Member
110 vs 220

One is more volts and less amps, one is more amps and less volts. Same exact amount of energy though, your bill is the same either way.

The only difference is that 220 lights using less amps means it won't heat up a wire as much so you can throw more 220 lights on a single circuit than 110.


Well-Known Member
Turning the meter upside down runs it backward - this works better than the magnet.
My meter box is rusted enough at the bottom that I can get the cover open and the meter out without breaking the seal on that little doodad they put on there to keep you from tampering with it.

But, with my luck I'd run it backwards enough that it would show a smaller number than the last time they came to read it. LoL

Oh wait, that might be kind of cool if they would send a check instead of a bill. :)


Well-Known Member
didn't take the time to read the thread, not really worth my time just wanna say when you start stealing you get busted