Ever seen this? pics


Well-Known Member
Whats happenin guys and gals? Two days of not checkin this thread means alot of catch up reading!! So maybe some of you remember I had a herm and two females that got seeded just a couple weeks ago. So I chopped them. But a couple weeks before I chopped them I got a clone off each female. They were four or five weeks into flower when I took the clones. The clones survived and have started vegging again, but check out these pics.

The first two pics show one of the clones. Notice the leaves. They look different to say the least. And this plant has never been topped but if you notice its branched out where the top bud was starting to form.

The last two pics show the other clone. Its leaves are starting to look different also. Also it doesn't appear to be branching out as if it had been topped.

You ever seen anything like this? If I trimmed all the leaves that are normal would anybody even recognize this as MJ? From some angles it looks like a totally different plant. Could these be candidates for a two plant outdoor grow right out in the open? Its risky but what do you think?

By the way, the mothers, even though I chopped them a couple weeks early, turned out to be good smoke. So I wanna raise these girls til they finish for real.


Active Member
I haven't personally seen anything like it. Though some of the leaves are still jagged. My best guess would be some sort of unidentified problem causing abnormal growth.


Well-Known Member
You get that when you re-veg a plant. Single leaves and weird growth. Many times when you take a clone off a flowering plant, you will get the same thing. The nice thing is it will grow bushy too. It just takes a while for it to grow out of that and you will start getting normal leaf growth again. Usually it starts with single leaves then 3 leaves then 5 leaves, etc... On new growth. Not something you want to plant out in the open because it will look like a normal MJ bushy plant fast enough.


Well-Known Member
Yup my clones do that sometimes depends on when you take them from the mother,look weird huh


Well-Known Member
Yeah I had that happen on a couple of clones I took from a flowering plant too. They grew normal after a couple of weeks of growth. So probably not a good idea to plant in the open.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that be a clone cut from a flowering plant, it's reverting back to veg stage. 1st comes single leave, then triple, 5 and so on.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
ive seen the weird leaf growth many times with clones but they have always grow out of it.
i have a purple kush x black domina that had one of the branches top itself. it was grown from seed and its over 5weeks into flower. i have 1 clone from her in veg. for round 2.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the further into flower the clone thats cut the busher it will be and it will yield a hell of alot of buds.