Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)


Well-Known Member
haha gotta love beating up those emo kids. a few years back i was still dating my high school sweetheart i guess you could say. we had been dating for almost 3 years and i left to go live with my sister and help her get a business started in north carolina for 6 months. when i was gone she broke up with me bc she said i was never going to come back or some crazy bs like that.

when i moved back we got back together and she told me she hooked up with some emo kid. so about a week after i moved back i saw him at a party at a friends house and decided i wanted to know what really happened between them bc i thought she wasnt telling me everything. (I was right) and when i confronted him he totally avoided me then he got one of his boyfriends to distract me while he slashed my tires. so when i went to leave and saw this i got my brass knuckles and just went straight up to him and beat the shit out of him. he had to get 20 stitches and i got off scott free. gotta love having an uncle that's an attorney :)
I'm sorry, but who uses brass knuckles? That shits weak. If I were to hit a kid with brass knuckles and all he got was stitches, I would feel like the biggest puss ever, you can cut a face open easy as shit with fist, kness and elbows, but if using brass knuckles, bones should be shattered and his brain rendered useless.. On to the story tell part, I will go with the "got my ass kicked" story for now.. So me and my buddy were like 15-16 walking around htis parking lot. He sees a group of kids at the parking lot below us (hard to explain the lay of the land but basically we were on a hill) and starts shining this laser pointer on them. They figure out where its coming from and all dip out while the retard racist ex-friend I'm with yells "Run niggers, run!".. Well about 3 minutes later a car with 6 dudes in it pulls up and they all hop out, one dude gets in my face running his mouth and jibber jabbering, I try and resolve the situation but then all of a sudden, never even saw it, but the biggest one sucker punched me right in my temple. From that I stumbled back, a little dazed, while 2 other kids rush me hitting me repeatedly, then once I regain sense and am ready to defend myself, they are already running away(Seriously in the same second they were attacking they were retreating)... Really the most immature fight I have ever taken part of or witnessed, kind of funny though cause after like 10+ blows to the head I had nothing but a bloody lip, I didnt even feel the punches they were so weak.