Ever been to rehab?


Active Member
Hank the detoxes will only continue to get worse and worse till the point where 4-5 days of using feels the same as 4 years. at least this is how it was for me. being clean and sleeping well is so much a relief when you get to that point don't go back, not for a day.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've heard about ibogaine..

It sounds terrifying.. I used to love tripping when I was younger. But now, even the most pleasant psychadelics terrify me.

I think a good old fashioned detox and rehab is the way to go.

I've never tried a rehab inpatient thing before.. I've been to 2 different psychologists, a psychiatrist, several different NA meetings, deleting numbers, leaving town for a week, blah blah. I haven't tried rehab yet. Hopefully it works. I'm getting too old for this shit.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm gonna make the call and see what they say.
I stopped growing a while back.. I don't have shit for money.. hopefully they will take my broke ass.


Well-Known Member
All States have lost funding..I tried to get my younger brother in and there is no State funded chemical detox.I do know a few trick's though.Betty Ford send's their counselors to The USN to learn the process which is understandable since the Navy has been fighting addiction for 230 yrs.


Well-Known Member
Isn't this a drug you can practice a little(or maybe a lot) self control and gently ween off?
I'm about to have to do the same thing but with benzos. Well , that or go back to voodoo doc quack and reason for my script of xans back.
It's not like I'm able to do them for recreation with the tolerance I have built up and the street price of 5 bux a mg I pay just to use it medicinally. (jew just raised it to 7 a mg because they're "harder to get now" , I refuse to pay that kind of money)
All because my doctor wanted to try other "long term" solutions like effexor (which is the nastiest drug I've ever taken).
I've knew this one guy who was in and out of rehab constantly but he always went back to his meth.
You at least have the desire to quit and see it's a problem.
as stated above those compassionate bastards in the health field def want their money up front and it isn't cheap.
If they don't accept with a little willpower you'd think you could ween off.
Good luck and be safe.


Active Member
you don't qualify for medicade or whatever they call the free unsurance? where I live they take you in then make you fill out the paperwork and get you insured while you are there. this is how it was years ago here anyhow not sure about post Obama.


Well-Known Member
yeah, 12k. fuck it.
maybe if i get arrested I can get it for free.
F**K That.
Make some phone calls, lots of calls, churches, shelters someone will step up and use it as a write-off if not I know of a few out here (CA) that will take payments.

Stay away from the "ordered rehab" if possible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can apply for state funding.. I gotta go see this counselor at 7 am tmrw. They open at 8 and see you on a first come first serve basis.
I'll go see what they can do.
Wish I just had the money. I don't wanna have tax payers pay for my problems..

Wish they had a half assed rehab.. give me a 6x4 room and don't let me out for a month.. let a friend bring me 1 meal a day.. something like that.

Ill go see about funding tmrw.


Active Member
don't worry about the tax payers mate, they will fill those beds whether you take one or the next guy does and only a rare few are able to pay their own way. the best thing you can do is get clean, do it on someone elses dime get out and live a good life, pay taxes and someone else will benefit from this somewhere down the line.


Well-Known Member
Im in aclub right now getting wild. They blastig 2pac and Im in my prime 17 years old and shit. Rehab works wonfets for the willing


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here ever been an inpatient at a rehab facility?
I didn't sleep last night. I'm making a call in 45 minutes (when they open) to see when I can get in.

Shit has just got out of hand. One year from now I am either going to be clean or dead.
I'm looking forward to getting off, kicking my smoking habit and learning to live w/o electronic devices for 30 days.
I think this is going to be a good thing.

Curious what others experiences have been..
I'm hoping being an atheist is not going to be a problem. If I'm gonna have Jesus pushed on me, I don't see this working out.
Just keep in mind relapse is part of recovery...I've went through many programs failed a lot but only to succeed that one time.

In the end it's not that big a deal anyways...you made a mistake and are trying to right that by getting some help. No different than if you needed a teacher to help you with a problem you can't figure out. Be open minded and realize there is force at work that you can't control anymore. It's all about how you wanna see the glass in this situation. Keep positive and listen and you'll do fine. The 30 days your in there is the easy part, it's after they release you back into the world where the real work begins. Many days I get pissed and drugs always comes to mind. Have to be strong enough to say...you know what today sucked but I'm ok with that and tomorrow will be a better day. Plus at that point you using again will only make it worse.

They also say once you stop, if u start using again it's ten times worse than the last time. That's true as the day is long! Every time I relapsed it was so much more out of control than the last. I put myself through five years of living outside with no home or anybody until I realized it was time to change.