Epsom Plus?


Well-Known Member
This was all they had at the local nursey for epsom salt... I'm diagnosing my plants with magnesium deficiency. Heres a pic of my plant leaf and of the epson plus... Is this ok to use? Or does it have to much of other things such as
Soluble Potash 22%
Magnesium 11%
Sulfur 22%

*They are in FF Ocean Forest and i have recently started using some Grow Big
*Heat is not an issue.

Thanks for any input




Well-Known Member
I use one teaspoon of regular Epson salts, magnesium sulfate,to one gallon of water / nutrient mix. Your plant looks like it might be a little mag. deficient , but don't over do it . I find that the fan leaves might look a little "off" , but if 80% of the plant looks good leave it alone. Too many people do more harm trying to "fix" the plant with more chemicals, and end up doing more harm. Make sure you are not root bound, not too close to light , check humidity,ventilation, heat , all of the easy to remedy things first. Good luck

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
look in the foot care section of your local grocery store thats where i found mine cheap

check your PH ,what are the top leaves doing usually they will fold up like praying hands or twist ,begging for Mg