Entheogen - Awaken The God Within YOURSELF


Well-Known Member

ENTHEOGEN - To Awaken The Divine Within
----- ( en - theo - gen ) ----
EN - within
THEO - God / Divine
GEN - to generate / awaken

get it? ;)


Well-Known Member
I saw your thread right after I posted. I've read alot of stories over the years about MG trips. Usually alot of em either don't work out well (weak, nausea). Or turn hells bells. And the trippers end up going too far.


Well-Known Member
Morning glory is a poor substitute for authentic substances. Grow something, be patient, be purposeful and you will be found.

I learned that when hunting for peyote you should choose a direction and walk. Only pick the ones directly in your path, those are the ones that offer themselves to you. Do that same ritual in your life. Let your intent be known to the universe and when the time is right the universe will comply