Entering Flowering stage tmrw - tips and help plz


hey fellow hobbyists, I am entering the flowering stage tomorrow ( 12/12 - everyone knows). I have 5 plants that are about 14 inches and pretty thick and i dont want them to get out of hand so I am doing so tomorrow. I know nothing about flowering as this is my first grow. What should i do - i know i sound like an idiot but oh well - just want to do best for my ladies.


Active Member
Flip the light to 12/12. Make sure they get complete darkness for the full 12 hours ( no light leaks).
Make sure to give them plenty of light, air venting/circulation and don't over water.

Illegal Smile

Depending on the lights you are using you may also need to make a spectrum switch to mostly red.


Read about it n these forums or get a book at borders because there are countless things u need to kno shit I'm still learning


Well-Known Member
all of the above..but when u use ur new nutes do it incrementally, i start with 2 ml of nutes per litre and add 1 more mill per litre per week until it gets to five ml and then reduce it 1 ml per week till the end. also add 1 tbs of molasses per litre( i use black treacle, but its almost the same product), some people like to flush every two weeks or so, i personally dont bother because i believe if u need to flush then the plant will show u that i needs done, its up 2 u. at day 10 and day 35 of flower i add 1 tbs of epsom salts(magnesium sulphate) to my nutes. if u feel that ur plants getting a little bushy u can remove some leaves but take it easy, leaves feed the plant and many believe that no leaves should be removed, again its up to you but sometimes it seems to let a little more light reach the bottom and sides. ur plant will bewcome thirstier than before as she strives to grow so ur watering will increase from the vegging stage, just lift the pot and check the weight. thats about it apart from the theory that when moving from veg to flower some people think the plant benefits from a 36 hour period of darkness before u move to 12/12.


awesome tips guys, thanks a lot. Today is their official day 1 of flowering. They will have complete darkness during their dark period, continuous air circulation and such. Only thing that everyone talks about which i have not or dont do is add nutes of any kind. But i will have to research into it for sure.