empire falling?


Well-Known Member
so i been watchin americas economy slowly crash away. will it crumble like every othe empire recorded in history or will it prevale? im interested to see whats your thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
My guess is that the economic collapse will happen before next year. Maybe before the elections. Feels like the final blow to throw us on our knees is very close to showing its ugly face.


New Member
If the economy fails, it will hurt the people most responsible, least. All the assholes that run our foriegn policy will have plenty of money to survive the depression. It will be the little people that will starve and do without. We are just like all countries. Those at the top who control things never get hurt in a depression. It is the people like me and most Americans that will suffer. We don't have control of our country anymore. The corporations have taken over.


Well-Known Member
Shit I'm in canada and by buddy told me he lost 10 grand on his RRSP funds in the last 2 weeks! crazyness.


Well-Known Member
Yes the empire is falling & failing - it's just a process - every great has failed before & so shall we. Many changes are upon us - BIG changes involving the whole world. Prepare is the best anyone can do.


New Member
When the American ecomony crashes that wreck is going to be heard around the world.

Not all Americans want to impose their beliefs on others, those are just the assholes in charge. I would like to live peacefully in my garden of weed and be happy, but I'm sure there are those that would have to impose their beliefs on me.


Well-Known Member
herd around the world haha i live in new zealand we been hearing bout it for ever. its going to hit real hard and yea it going to hit the most important peopl the most, the ones at the bottom, the people who make the economy tick. its going to suck. but i thinh it could have been avoided if they werent looking the other way for so long


Well-Known Member
Are you all preparing? I started about 18 months ago here. First, I planted a garden. This year, I expanded it, roughly doubled the size. It produces a fair amount of food. I also started cutting back on frivolous expenses and instead started paying off all debt and racking up some cash. With some of the cash, I put it into stuff that gains value over time, regardless of what the economy does. Finally, since I smoke cigs, I started buying a carton a week even though I only smoke half that much. I'm up to 35 cartons now.

For banked money, I spread it across three different banks, four different accounts, just in case one goes down, then I'll still have no probs accessing the others. But I kept some cash AS cash too, just in case all three banks go down and everything goes to shit overnight and I can't get to any of my bank accounts.

I've got about four pounds of 24k gold and gems stashed too. The woman wears some of it, but its real purpose is as 'in case of emergency, sell this' assets.

Credit cards all paid off, except one, which is at 0% anyway, so no big deal. Income is not reliant on having a job. Car and house are paid for. So, food, shelter, transportation, all addressed. Emergency assets, check. 18 months worth of cigs (so far), check. Guess I need to stock up on some weapons next, just in case things get real REAL bad, because I'd rather be a cannibal than be eaten by one. Heh.

And if it all blows over harmlessly? Well, then I guess I overreacted with my preparations. But I'd rather be over-prepared than under-prepared.


New Member
I'm trying to prepare, but shit isn't always going my way. I have always collected camping gear so if I end up having only a fire to cook on, I've got all the untensils for that already. I am collecting kerosene lamps and have been saving up some lamp oil. I also have a candle collection. I go to garage sales in the summer time, people are always selling bunches of candles for cheap.

I'm collecting books on herbal medicines and what plants are edible. I have a creek behind my house and a pond less than a half mile away so there is water nearby.

I'm more into having long term survival stuff. I don't feel having a lot of cash is going to help, when shit hits that fan bartering will come back into style, cash won't be worth shit it's only paper.

I really need to start saving nonperishable foods and gallons of water. Batteries won't be a bad idea either. I really want a wind turbine and some solar panels. I wonder if Santa Clause will being me some?