EMF Fields, Super El Nino and The 'Cone' of Destruction..


Well-Known Member
it's a go in sofla! bread and water flying off the shelves as we speak..

http://www.weather.com/weather/today/l/Fort Lauderdale FL USFL0149:1:US

@Wavels and i will be bracing for the storm (in separate domains, of course)..the 'dirty' side will be upon us if all stays on course this time monday through tuesday..

The strongest winds and the highest storm surge are on a hurricane's right side — the "dirty side" — as viewed from above. That's because winds in a hurricane rotate counterclockwise, so the strength of the storm on the "dirty side" is the hurricane's wind speed plus its forward velocity.

now all we need is for those with pacemakers to drop dead (or the bees?)..and you've got yourself "the core" WTF needs nostradamus and his lame, confusing/negative quatrains?.

can we discuss our vanishing EMF, now?

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Well-Known Member
The meteorologist I spoke with at the Bernie meet up was less concerned about el Nino than he was about the accelerating warming of the poles... and their consequences.

His thing was that since the temperature differential between tropics and poles is a major driver of weather patterns, that climate change's reduction of this differential would lead to stalled weather patterns and result in weather extremes, in the following way: Depending on where the trough stalls, on one side, a four month drought and hot dry weather, perhaps bushfires. On the other side, maybe only a few hundred miles away, could be flooding and landslides from incessant monsoons.

His job is at CSU's Department of Atmospheric Sciences, programming, trouble shooting and running climate models with the latest data sets available worldwide, so I think it's a safe bet that he probably knows as much as anyone alive about this.


Well-Known Member
http://www.weather.com/weather/today/l/Fort Lauderdale FL USFL0149:1:US

@Wavels and i will be bracing for the storm (in separate domains, of course)..the 'dirty' side will be upon us if all stays on course this time monday through tuesday..

The strongest winds and the highest storm surge are on a hurricane's right side — the "dirty side" — as viewed from above. That's because winds in a hurricane rotate counterclockwise, so the strength of the storm on the "dirty side" is the hurricane's wind speed plus its forward velocity.

now all we need is for those with pacemakers to drop dead (or the bees?)..and you've got yourself "the core" WTF needs nostradamus and his lame, confusing quatrains?.

can we discuss our vanishing EMF, now?



who's face is on the chin of the monster in your avi..?