EMERGENCY! Leaves turning very white on indoor flowering plants taken outside

I'm a seasoned outdoor grower, working on my second indoor grow with CFL. 5 weeks into flowering, things were going very slowly. Another grower and I agreed we should take them outside to get more light, air, etc. We did it in stages, and worked up to 12 hours outside in the sun 12 hours inside in the dark.

I thought all was well until yesterday, when the weather was very bad. I put them inside, but the temp was still lower than seasonable.

Today, many of the fan leaves on 3 of the 4 plants had turned a ghostly white - even some of the leaves around the bud sites have got the white.

Advice urgently needed and appreciated!


Active Member
Sun bleaching maybe? Thats all i can think that would turn it white.

Maybe something else tho...
Same thing happened with mine. Theyll grow out of it but the leaves are all ready damaged from sun bleaching. Try acclimating to the sun more.
Yes, a search online seems to suggest either sun bleaching or too cold. Yesterday was cold, but it was being in the sun today that seemed to cause the damage. I'm suspecting it was a combination of the two extremes.

For those who've dealt with this before: will the buds be damaged? Some of the leaves around the bud sites (which are nice and sticky and would have been smokeable) have gone white too.

I'm very near ready to cut and harvest... probably about 5 days away at most. If I had too, I could do it now - that's how close two of the three are.

A few more questions, if I may:
Should I not risk it, cut my losses and harvest?
Or should I wait a couple of days? (Or could this be putting the buds at risk if the plant has gone into shock and won't recover?)

Thanks so much for help and advice. I'm very upset! :-(


Well-Known Member
if your only 2 days from chopping then doing it now wont hurt them ( apart from getting cut in half lol) have they defiantly stopped fattening up? if-so just chop now!
I would have naturally pushed it at least five more days because they are still fattening.

I talked to another grower and we agree that it is most likely temp shock. Any deficiency would have been more gradual. This was, literally, overnight. :-(


Active Member
I have an important question about an entire 24 inch branch going cream colored, not totally white. It just wilted and is basically dead. We have now flushed the plant. Could it be from switching to MC from General Hydro's 3 part. I think its a lock up of sorts, not a disease.

I insisited the guy flush and then begin his flowering nutes in the next week or so once it theroretically "recovers" ans it should, its a 5 foot healthy (mostly) kush thats been going since April