Emergency Blanket Reflector


Active Member
I am going to start my first indoor grow and for the sake of my budget i have chosen to use a emergency blanket(mirror like)to line my walls of my closet do you think that is will be worth it instead of mylar


Well-Known Member
most of those are aluminum coated and not that great for reflectors...i would just paint the walls a flat white if possible but if it is not I would rock the blankets


Well-Known Member
mirror surfaces aint the best, i'd go with what cacamal said and try paint it white.


Active Member
There are many types of emergency blankets maybe you can post a picture of it? You did mention though that it's mirror like, and regardless of what most people think, mirrors do not reflect light well. Flat white paint is your best bet if you can't afford like 10 bucks for some mylar sheet.


Active Member
I use emergency blankets and they have worked for me very well, they obviously raise the temps but that was good in my case. the ones i got were mylar and have done my plants good.


There are many types of emergency blankets maybe you can post a picture of it? You did mention though that it's mirror like, and regardless of what most people think, mirrors do not reflect light well. Flat white paint is your best bet if you can't afford like 10 bucks for some mylar sheet.


this is a mylar emergency blanket, for 1 whole dollar


Well-Known Member


Active Member
I use emergency blankets and they have worked for me very well, they obviously raise the temps but that was good in my case. the ones i got were mylar and have done my plants good.
^this. Mylar emergency blankets are fine and they look nice too.