ELP! Wired Looking Spots My 8th Grow & Never Seen Spots Like This (HD PICS!!!!)

hi all i am having trouble with my plant its starting to get brown spots and they don't look like calcium deff or any kind of burn, i am giving it grow big and alittle microbe brew but what can be causing this i have been vegging for 3 months now and never seen any spots and i didn't see any yesterday but now here sum are so what u all think it is?



Well-Known Member
what are your temps at... or possible phosphorus def or n def what you ph? might be locking up some where..


Well-Known Member
They look pale overall so I can assume they're light on nutes an actually hungry... the most advanced def display could be the Ca, Mg, Mn combo.. Although the spots turning purple is very rare and I really can't tell (Mb?). We could surely use more details on your grow