Elite Member Radio?


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
All RIU needs to do is provide the bandwidth and some scripting to get the station up, people like me can sit right here and pump the music, live phone calls, etc. right to the proxy provided and RIU pumps it out to the RIU members. Tada! I don't have the bandwidth, but I do have the capability to dj.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Oh well, I went ahead and the radio is up. All kinds of music, comedy and stuff interspersed with marijuana tidbits, I will do live news and stuff, generally having fun entertaining you when you sign on. It is a work in progress but it is live. I am just having some issues with the new version of Comodo...it is blocking utorrent and shoutcast even though they are both defined as trusted...so I dunno...
The stream might be interrupted from time to time as I update, but if I am online here, then for sure the radio will be up. I will be playing with bandwidth and stuff too so everyone will have a good listening experience. I hope everyone who listens likes it and we get an official station. Live skype calls will be scheduled as soon as the bandwidth and firewall issues have been hammered out.

Go to shoutcast and search for rollitup by Everready. Post here if you have issues!


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Radio is up, please help test it out, search on shoutcast for rollitup and give a listen.

Just so everyone is clear here, my only goal is to make the station the thing to listen to, THE definitive companion to these forums and your smokes... :-):hump::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
here is how you can listen to it:
go to shoutcast.com search for rollitup.org unofficial smokin music by everready
have fun and any advises, feed back is welcome....


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
I hope more people enjoy it more often. Maybe some live call-in shows, definitely some news at 4:20 every day from now on. I am going to rebroadcast some other shows as well...just trying to have a rollitup radio! Thanks for listening!