Active Member
No im a Canadian contractor.I tend to make a decent living.Is why i dont mind throwing money around in search of strains that will please me.You kno budd...Im actually intending on trying the 50/50 strain...I just though ill wait for it to go on sale.It just hasnt went on sale yet..If you havent realized it by now i dont hesitate to buy something if i want to try it.Ill be my own judge on my beans,With saying that Why Are You Even Here?I dont go in to your journals and cut up what your growing....maybe i would now.But all you got are 2 posts of google closing your site down.Please if your gonna watch keep quiet until you have something to hate ondo you work for bc seeds or do you really believe you bought a strain that will produce 34% thc if you do why didn't you buy indica 50 50% thc wake up stop feeding these rip offs