electrical question!


if my bill is around 50 bucks a month, how noticeable of an increase would it be if i made a grow room that ran a single 400w hid bulb with ventilation, you know, the basic style grow room.

would the electric company get suspicious? or the police?

my usage in kwh is between 450 and 550 a month. and if it is a drastic, noticeable change... how can i make it not so conspicuous?

oh and it says on my bill that c/kwh for oct thru may is 7.76


Active Member
A single 400Watt globe wont attract any attention. Imigane people who buy 5,000watt air-con's and have them running all day, the jump would be way more. From memory my bill went from around $300 a month to $700 ish but i have a 1000watt air con that comes on and off. I would guess about $100 per month for the 400watt on 16hour.


They won't care as long as you pay by due date it only the money they after and i doubt it will make much differance to your bill. according to your figures it would take about 2.5 hours running a 400w HPS for the 7.76c KWH which to me seems cheap where you from i in australia and were about 19c KWH. here the police don't care unless of a tip off or extremely suspicious.


Active Member
if ran for 12 hours a day a 400 watt pulls 48,000 kwH hours or 4.8 kwH. 4.8 times 30 days in month is 144 kwH extra per month. multiply the amount you pay per kwH times the 550 or so plus 144 new, so 700 times your cost per kwH.....


Active Member
^^^^^ thats for monthly bill....

or just multiply 144kwH with your cost per kwH to find out how much extra it will cost you per month.....


^^^^^ thats for monthly bill....

or just multiply 144kwH with your cost per kwH to find out how much extra it will cost you per month.....

Okay, well I'm new to all these formula's and stuff so please correct me if I'm wrong... but 144kwH multiplied by 8c/kwH would come out to be 11.52 difference?? I'm almost positive I'm doing something incorrect here :wall:


if ran for 12 hours a day a 400 watt pulls 48,000 kwH hours or 4.8 kwH. 4.8 times 30 days in month is 144 kwH extra per month. multiply the amount you pay per kwH times the 550 or so plus 144 new, so 700 times your cost per kwH.....

okay so, i thought about it for a min and you said 700 times my cost per kwH

so basically


so roughly for one 400w I'd only be paying 56 more dollars?