Electric Companies


New Member
Hey all,

I have read a few things here and there and thought I'd make a thread to see if people think this is true or if im just being paranoid.

Basically I've heard that British Gas are actively working with the Police to report on there customers who have suddenly spiked up in using electricity.

Now I wouldn't care usually but I am "Typical" with British Gas ffs...

Just like anything with "British" in the name like British Telecoms etc.. are always loving and working with authorities without a problem with the queens seal of approval.

Do you think I should change to EDF or something before my grow - other power companies dont know my current spending pattern, as British Gas know I currently only spend £30 a month on leccy as I have my own place alone and am hardly here as I stay at my girlfriends who also has her own place... its going to be a big and noticeable jump from £30 up to maybe even £130 a month on leccy.

OR - will they welcome the new business and stay true to me?


Depends on what you planning really, a few plant or a full scale factory:razz:

Here's a calculator to get a rough estimate of your usage http://www.switchwise.co.uk/uk-energy/uk-utilities-info/uk-electricity-running-cost-calculator/

I worked out for my setup below, this is cost per month.
15p per kWh

T5 lights, 12 bulbs at 288w in veg room running 18 hours a day (decided I'll go T5 now for cost reasons)

600w hid light for flowering room running 12 hours a day

1st fan 30w running 18 hours a day

2nd fan 30w running 12 hours a day

=£59.78 a month

It's a rough estimate with maybe a bit added on but it gives you the idea.
It's not much watts being pulled when you compare it to some household appliances or electric showers that pull 3000w


Well-Known Member
Avarge uk household allows 1000watt per bedroom allowance so a 3 bed house is 3000watts hope this helps plus a helpful hint keep bill upto date as no company like s to shoot a regular paying customers


Well-Known Member
I know lots of people who have been doing 3000W in just lights and have no issue. But I'm in the US. On a side but somewhat related note make the investment in some good LED bulbs for the lights in your various rooms. I've converted all my 60W light bulbs to 4.5 watt LEDs. Turn them off when not using and work on other ways to cut your bill. But keep this in mind, a neighbor noticing odor, excess electricity, infrared cameras etc do not come even remotely close to the number one reason people get caught which is talking to other people about it. It sucks doing such a cool thing as growing and not being able to share, brag about it. Its something to be proud of, but from this day forward you are going to have to Clark Kent it.