EC before harvest... Help!


Active Member

I'm using a drip system and I can't empty the resevoir completely when I'm doing a scrog, so I let most the water go before topping up only water to flush. I went to refil with more water today (approx 2 days before I plan to harvest) and the ph dropped and ec had risen to 0.7.

I'm worried because I don't want a shit smoke, it's bad enough I think I'm getting a shit yield but what I get I want quality smoke from..... I've topped up to the rim with plain water which should sort out the low ph. I find readings more accurate after its had a while to settle and mix in, but expect the ec to be around 0.4. Would this be ok?


Well-Known Member
When flushing you want your ec to go up from starting water levels. It's cleaning out your medium. You said you can't empty it completely but you should get as much out as possible and add fresh water. So it can draw out as much as it can without redepositing it back to the plants. As for the ph... I don't even bother with it in flush. Your not giving them anything to uptake so what's it really matter. IMO.