Ebb & Flow transplants with too much nutrients?


O hai,

after last soil grow I made the push and got me some ebb n' flow 100x100 with 80 litre reservoir filled completely. The reason I post here is to make sure all the things I have done today are correct, see situation has been not great. Leaves are curling up a bit and getting yellow/brown. There is a 70% of good green in them and I know transplants might look a bit "tired" but these are obviously feeling bad.

For about a week now:

- Pump was running 4 x 30 mins waterings since I had no digital timer.
- I added GHE Gro (20 ml) & Root (16 ml) solutions based on the first week of this chart(after that I did read Gro should have gone in after the roots come out to play).
- Two 140w LED's with measured light spectrums to be correct for growing 30 - 40 above the clones.
- Clones are laid on the watering bed in small 4cm x 4cm cubes that are meant to be placed in bigger ones later. No other medium in the system.
- PH has been checked to be around 6,2
- No idea of EC and no way to measure at this moment.

Changes made today:

- Changed for 600w HPS hanging 200 cm from the roof since I suspect they got too much light. There are reports (read: rumors) in the internet that LED's are not the best for transplants but I, or they might be wrong.
- Created a transparent cover to keep humidity in but waterflow in the system is not affected
- Changed the watering to 2 x 3 mins per day

Now I am wondering should I change the water completely and just add the root nutrient or even go without that until the roots actually come out. Basically wash out the Gro? Is it even smart to root up the transplants in ebb with rockwools?

If you need pictures or any additional info please let me know.
did the clawing and yellow start before transplant or since you have put them in the new system were they new cuttings. Pic would help and if they were new cuttings yes flush and just ph water at 5.8 for first two weeks and then you can start nutes


did the clawing and yellow start before transplant or since you have put them in the new system were they new cuttings. Pic would help and if they were new cuttings yes flush and just ph water at 5.8 for first two weeks and then you can start nutes
Started after transplanting (else it would not be an issue with transplanting ^^), They were from a well taken care of mom so I just check the new waters in. The Rockwools are in open and all the dust is getting on them (also light is in contact of the water those brief 2x3 mins periods. I suppose that isnt bad but should I still cover the rockwools and watering bed with black n white? Also should I keep the pump running constantly rather than in these short stings to help with humidity. Rockwools do gather good bit of moist in them anyways.

I get pictures up if water change wont help. Cheerios for confirmation.

What are you transplanting into the E&F
Aurora Indica from ze mothership.
yes i would cover if possible and if you can cut down on how long you flood rockwool holds water really well i hear never used it i have a 4x4 ebb and flow with a 1000 watter but i put rooted clones in and flower never veg on it but i use a bubble cloner to start mine before 12/12.Like i said flush add plain water ph 5.8 and no nutes until you see roots then start nutes. how long does it take your pump to fill the table i would flood 4 times a day for 10mins but make sure you keep a eye on the rockwool to make sure its not to dry at those flood times. I only flood mine once every four hours for 10mins but im in flower with my table. Hope this might help we are all still learning something new every day.