Eastern Oregon Outdoor trainwreck


Well-Known Member
Been a long time since ive posted here but im back so this was just a little trainwreck clone when it was planted in the ground on the 9th of June it has just exploded since then tell me what you think so what is your guys guesstimate on yield.


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Well-Known Member
my wrecks last year were around 1-2 lbs depending on how much sun their location got...running 12 this year with a few different strains to fill the holes...hth


Well-Known Member
Just got it posted didn't want to upload from my phone so had to use an upload site lol and it gets a lot of sun for sure it's been 100+ here and I'm in the high desert lots of sage brush tumble weeds and sand very dry heat but the plants are just loving it tho.


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View attachment 3204399

looking good.. this is what I found by google trainwreck strain yield..
When grown in soil outside Trainwreck plants are ready for harvesting early October and can yield up to 700 grams. if I did my math correct .0352 oz = 1 gram x 700 = 24.64 OZ off a well grown plant.

I have a few friends who live in Bend, Or. and she has been posting some crazy weather info.. cold, freeze, I think they had hail one day..
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Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Yeah that's bend lol we didn't get any of that here just one lighting storm with gust of 17mph and a little bit of rain not even enough to wet the dry desert sand lol
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Well-Known Member
last years wrecks...

with a couple sativa's that never did finish....grrr

rut roh...not much to see here...help???


Well-Known Member
here's some pics from some seeds that I started a couple of weeks before July really late but I will get something off of them if I get a female that is lol they were in pots until now the bigger ones were shooting roots out of the bottom of the pots so they went in the ground today. I put the seedling in ground the other day
be cause miracle gro organic potting soil sucks the other two did just fine because they were in regular miracle grow from day one the two bigger ones are going to grow well still not sure if the little guy is going to make it we shall see it came up letter than the rest so it's behind and I have no idea what strains these are the seeds came from a grow last year they grew trainwreck sour diesel and northern lights and I still have a crap load of seeds all mixed together going to find some keepers for sure and going to do some breeding for fun and fresh seed stock of course.



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Well-Known Member
We put ours in the ground on the same day lol. And we are in Oregon too! One thing I did yesterday was open up the hole bigger! Dig out like two more feet around her and tease the roots out of that hole! My roots are all circling the hole because the earth it too firm for them to penetrate so believe it or not they get rootbound. You've got a solid 3 if not more weeks of veg she needs a bigger hole! Here is our plot two weeks ago. Much bigger now!



Well-Known Member
Here is a Tangie from DNA in a 200gal. She was barely a foot tall on June 13th when we planted her.


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I've worked that ground good there good to go might have to fertilize during flower but that's about it unless I get bugs lol


Well-Known Member
One thing that I learned in my Arborist training was when you are planting in areas that have hard or compact soil, dig a square hole that way when the roots hit the square they will got out as opposed to a circle where they will just keep going around and around and possibly become root bound just like living in a pot. if you have a loam or sandy soil this is not necessary.


Well-Known Member
One thing that I learned in my Arborist training was when you are planting in areas that have hard or compact soil, dig a square hole that way when the roots hit the square they will got out as opposed to a circle where they will just keep going around and around and possibly become root bound just like living in a pot. if you have a loam or sandy soil this is not necessary.
yeah I'm lucky the soil in are area you just have to work it a little my plants are loving being out of those pots I will update on both plots as often as I can the trainwreck isn't in my back yard and is legal the others are well there's a reason I started them late size and I'm not legal yet work in progress.


Well-Known Member
here's a new pic of my trainwreck pic 1 wreck clone kinda a cloudy on and off day here and we had rain and lighting for a little bit and i had to take a pic of another plant pic 2 in the legal garden it's the biggest one don't know the strain my girlfriends dad is legal this was one of his plants that was put out in may I think it's a monster what do you guys think biggest plant in the garden lol he for sure has a green thumb.



Well-Known Member
here's some update pics of the plants that I started late they are happy to be out of the pots forsure I tied down all the plants again want to limit height as much as I can lst to the rescue. pic 1 is the plant that popped in the same pot were there was already a plant I planted it in miracle grow organic soil that stuff complete crap stay away I put it in the ground and now its growing amazing lol. Pic 2 is my biggest plant really hoping that it's a female but I will take pollen to if it's a male and save it for breeding purposes. Pic 3 I'm sure this plant is going to take off soon. Hope every one has a safe and good weekend.



Well-Known Member
Ok so my biggest plant pic 1I thought it was going to be a male but the preflowers has finally showed sex so my biggest fastest growing plant is a girl going to chop a side branch once she get big enough going to try my hand at cloning and maybe make some feminized seeds with some colloidal silver. pic number 2 still no sex yet but this is my second biggest plant still no sex yet it's still to small to show preflowers but it's nice happy and healthy.pic number 3 the little guy that took forever to sprout and i made a mistake by not using regular miracle grow soil like i did the other two plants they great growth never again will I use there organic soil it's crap that's why my third plant isn't as big as it should be by now it doing a lot better in this native eastern oregon soil and all there plants got dusted for bugs and got feed some rabbit poop tea the other day because the house we moved into had piles of it already composted from the previous owners have a good day every one.



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here's a pic of my biggest plant from seed I moved some of my garden fencing around and tied her up and down some more and I culled my smallest plant wasn't in a very good location and I'm sure it was going to be a male lol



Well-Known Member
here's a pic of my biggest plant from seed I moved some of my garden fencing around and tied her up and down some more and I culled my smallest plant wasn't in a very good location and I'm sure it was going to be a male lol
lol. Don't be so sure unless you see nuts. I have had plants I thought was male, but let them go extra few days and started. shooting pistils