Eary girl, White Widow, Blue Mistyc (Fem.) New Indoor Set


New Member
Hi all,

Okey so the first attempts were just pure pore ! So thats why i started my own little indoor set at home, for you guys to watch.

:weed: I got my Seeds, 5 in a bag and all Feminized :hump:.
  1. Blue Mistyc :joint:
  2. White Widow :joint:
  3. Eary Girl :joint:

Got Myself 2FL Lights join'd as one set !

And here's what it looks like :D

Should i leave the seeds in the dark ? or is it ok like this :D ?

thnx for looking by and helping me :)


Active Member
those should be good for the first couple of weeks but i think you are going to need alot more lumens, especially if you are growing white widow.....nice setup tho....i like the PSP boxes


Well-Known Member
I certainly had mine under lights right away and seem to have worked reasonably well....but I do not have a whole of of experience....you should do fine...but as already said....light intensity is super important....good luck..we'll be watching...and keep us updated


New Member
hehe got 4 psp's :D

sold all 3 of em hack'd with 2.10 on it :D with like 20 games :D for 400$ one i kept :D

.... yeah i will keep u updated...


New Member
DAY 3:

I have moved the lights further to my pots.

Put the set in my free room next to a radiator ....

Will it be warm enough there to sprout ?


Well-Known Member
i found warm is good when germinating,,wet and warm,,like a yummy pussy:mrgreen:,,good luck on your grow man

Keep on Growin



New Member
Day 4

Still nothing to be seen... I decided to take about 0.4 cm dirt off the top of each pot. Maybe not getten enough heat there... ? Omg... Out of greed i took a mini grip.. a Early Girl seed and some Toillete Paper... put it in the middle folded it.. again.. again.. soak'd it with warm watter, fill'd the minigrip with hot water let most of the water out of there.... Now I put the minigrip on my Radiator.

Hope it works :D


Hope Day 5 is sprouting day :)...


New Member
Day 5

Blue Mystic is the fastest at this time.... its allready sprouted !
Very nice present to wake up to :D

Posting sum pics later on ......


Active Member
u should try using plastic wrap.it'll give them a greenhouse effect that should make them come up within a couple of days. and keep them by the radiator the more heat and moisture u can trap with plastic wrap the healthier ur plants will be