early planting?


Well-Known Member
i got my seeds recently and i germinated a seed for a day and a half. after about the first half day i noticed a crack in the seed. after a day since i first saw the crack, i just went ahead and planted it in the planter mix i had prepared. would this be okay? since the plant didnt sprout yet, would i need light at all? if i kept it in darkness until it first sprouts, how long until after it sprouts should i add the light?


Well-Known Member
ye iv done this before, should be fine. Put it under light as soon as it sprouts but remember heat really effects little seedlins.


Well-Known Member
They should be fine considering you can stick a seed directly in the ground and in some cases just throw some seeds in the yard and will get sprouts. Germinating them allows you to see which ones are gonna sprout. Once they have germinated allow them usually within 72 hrs to sprout sometimes it takes a little longer. If they are not germinated and placed directly in soil they take closer to 7-10 days to sprout. Just try not to handle them too much and let them do there thing. In my opinion plants do most of there growing in darkness so as soon as you see a sprout place it under light but make sure its not too hot and place it on 16-8 or 18-6 whichever you prefer. And this will help your plant get on a cycle and will help encourage growth.