Early Harvest What Do You Think ?


Active Member
I posted yesterda about a medical friend of mine who is into the 6'th week of flower, she found 3 plants each having 1 seed within the top flower, she seriously looked everywhere but cant locate the hermie, this being said, she was going for 8 weeks but I told her to cut it back to 7 just in case there will be more seeds showing up, what do you guys think? Is this a good or bad idea? I dont know how long it takes for seed to produce? All knoledge would be appreciated, thanks!:!:


Well-Known Member
If it's only a seed or two, even three per plant, not a big deal. It sucks, yes, but obviously the damage has been done already. My thoughts are to just let it finish as opposed to cutting early. I learned long ago that harvesting before they are truly ready is never a good thing. Harsh, weak, bad tasting, headache inducing, short buzz, and typically not good tasting smoke is what typically results from chopping before they're ready. Next time around try to keep a better eye on possible causes and eliminate, or at least minimalize anything that may trigger hermies.Yes the plant(s) will now expend more energy to produce a viable seed, but if you let that process go, the bud that you do get will also be better than if you were to cut now.


Misguided Angel
If it's only a seed or two, even three per plant, not a big deal. It sucks, yes, but obviously the damage has been done already. My thoughts are to just let it finish as opposed to cutting early. I learned long ago that harvesting before they are truly ready is never a good thing. Harsh, weak, bad tasting, headache inducing, short buzz, and typically not good tasting smoke is what typically results from chopping before they're ready. Next time around try to keep a better eye on possible causes and eliminate, or at least minimalize anything that may trigger hermies.Yes the plant(s) will now expend more energy to produce a viable seed, but if you let that process go, the bud that you do get will also be better than if you were to cut now.
I would do the same thing with only two weeks to go. The buds will get bigger and finish off even if there is some seed production. Just keep an eye on em.


Well-Known Member
just cuz she's not a virgin doesn't mean she's bad, hell i've been with virgins and it's not as nice as you would think, oh we're talking about cannabis my bad. just let her mature.