early flowering


Active Member
If outdoor plants go into flower will they revert back to vegetative state. Seedlings placed outside at beginning of April after being on 18/6 for two months indoors.


Well-Known Member
If outdoor plants go into flower will they revert back to vegetative state. Seedlings placed outside at beginning of April after being on 18/6 for two months indoors.
They can, but you'll have an increased chance of turning her into a hermie


Active Member
thanks. well they are in the ground so they are not coming back inside so does mother nature have a way of doing this on her own when the light becomes more 14-16 hours a day. or through experience do you notice that they typically will finish out their flowering cycle.


Well-Known Member
it takes about 2 weeks for a plant to notice the light change and compensate for it, if its getting more sun than before, it will stop flowering and grow more branches and fan leaves, it will keep veging till fall


Active Member
hey thanks for your reply. appreciate it! well hopefully all is good. i live in the northern part of the states and still have till august untill flowering "should" take place. i started these in january. I was really hoping to get some monsterous plants. they are all feminized power plant and blueberry. and i used the last of my seed stash so i was hoping i made it worth it. i will take a few clones off of them and use them as mothers later, if in fact they revert to veg. thank for your help


Well-Known Member
mine has been outside for a couple months and she just keeps flowering for me, Im hoping she will allow me to harvest early this year!