

Well-Known Member
I saw one of these at a local tobacco shop. They tried to sell it to me; I just wanted to smoke inside their store since it was raining. They said it was all the rave amongst the French (As to whether or not they were trying to butter me up, I don't know?) but it looked cool. Pricey though.


Well-Known Member
i'm ordering one soon, then i'm gonna try extract thc oil or something and see if it vaporizes it....that would be fricken cool, i'll keep everyone posted



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"Atomizer" redirects here. For the Big Black album, see Atomizer (album).
For the atomization energy, see enthalpy of atomization.
In atomic spectroscopy, atomization stands for the conversion of a vaporized sample into atomic components. Liquid samples are first nebulized, the fine mist is transported into the atomization source (flame or plasma), where the solvent evaporates and the analyte is vaporized, then atomized.
The term atomization is sometimes improperly used instead of nebulization for the conversion of bulk liquid into a spray or mist (i.e. collection of drops), often by passing the liquid through a nozzle.

[edit] See also


so what i was getting at is that if it is actually an atomization process, then it should work, cause it is prob. using heat as as the atomization source; but if it is mislabled as an atomizer, and is actually a nebulizer, it will not work b/c a nebulizer has no heat involved; they work by forcing the liquid through a small nozzle to create a fine mist.


Well-Known Member
oh well its an atomizer to what i know, should be cool to put some thc in that shit and just get stoned....


get you a "honeybee extractor" (google it) and look for fdd2blk's threads (he has several good ones) on making honey oil. it's really simple... i've even done it.


Active Member
yo i have been followin this thing to man i found one at e-cig.com for as low as 25.67 or somthing they are little vaporizers that have special cartirages for nicotine if you can figure out a way to modify them that would be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!