E Cigarette Atomizer Problems


Active Member
I use an Eleaf E cig with Aspire atomizers, I use it to vaporize my own homemade cannabis extract in PG/VG. I also have the same e cig again which I use for normal e liquid. I notice that the atomizers on my cannabis e cig get flooded or gurgly or burnt out much quicker than the normal liquid. Even so I find that neither of them seem to last more than a week or so. Are there an methods I can use to make them last longer or to restore them to their original state?


Well-Known Member
Little late, but since no one responded. ... if your using iso or ethanol extract for your thc base, then they will seperate and gum up the coils. I've found only bho works perfectly. No seperation, and won't gum up the coils. What I use in my pens for personalnuse, and what I use in the pens when I make them for my patients to medicate with.


Well-Known Member
I use an Eleaf E cig with Aspire atomizers, I use it to vaporize my own homemade cannabis extract in PG/VG. I also have the same e cig again which I use for normal e liquid. I notice that the atomizers on my cannabis e cig get flooded or gurgly or burnt out much quicker than the normal liquid. Even so I find that neither of them seem to last more than a week or so. Are there an methods I can use to make them last longer or to restore them to their original state?
have you considered using a dripper instead of a tank? I am trying a PG/VG extraction to see if it works. would love to be able to get my medicine from an e-cig