Dying Plants


Active Member
since the 4th week my pe plant has been dying and the rest seem to be following the same process ppm at 800 temp 75 hydro setup thechnaflora nutes one 600hps light set up and vho light set up please just don't tell me the problem tell me how to fix this asap its the 5th week now and i want to make sure they make it to the 9th in a healthier state-7.jpg-1.jpg-2.jpg-3.jpg-4.jpg-5.jpg-6.jpg


its cool dont panic the large fan leaves seem to die of in my grows.. check simple things like do you have a fan blowing on them? is the fan to close freezing them or causing them to dry out? is your grow space humid enough? over watering or not enough? my leaves do go like that.. just try to look for things that you can improve for your plants.. but if they flower and bud good your onto a winner...



Active Member
unless you're using DWC buckets 800 ppm seems low, and from the looks of it your plants are suffering from phosphorus deficiency. what nutrients are you using? i use Botanicare but i keep it around 1000 ppm in hydro and i know a lot of people go higher


Active Member
technaflora recipe for success i switched to 800 because the pe seem to thrive at 700 but the nl grew so and thrived at 900 so i just put it in the middle im using a aeroponic/bubbleponic system fans are no close humidity is at like 70 how can i fix this?


Active Member
well the only way to really fix humidity without adding more ventilation is a dehumidifier. I haven't used the Technaflora line before, but i still feel like they're underfed. when you say Aeroponic/bubbleponic, do you mean they're in buckets with airstones, or are they in a tray that has a fine mist spraying over the roots?


Active Member
i use a ten gallon tote and i use a air stone and an air defuser same thing but i love my set up but mine just curl on the corners and ive learned to move the lights a little higher and they became much healthier


Active Member
well, if the roots are fully submerged as it sounds your may actually be overfeeding a tad. when i do dwc i only run seedling strength nutrients for most of the grow except a couple weeks in flowering