Dwc super critical & white widow 600 watt


Well-Known Member
Changed res today on all 3 and also added cyco's ryzofuel. Things are looking good :)

Edit: I also fim'ed the white widow, lets hope i didnt miss!


Well-Known Member
If your want to just kill it pick up some food grade h202, 30% or higher. i use 2mL/gal every week. My next round is running bontanicares aquashield (no h202) and she seems to love it. 0 root problems.


Well-Known Member
Well :-(

I had enough with the slime coming back because it was in the roots so it didnt matter how many times I changed the res's out the roots would just let it breed back into the water. The white widow suffered badly with wilting leaves and stunted growth. I thought faaaark this and I pulled them up and chopped about 85% of the roots off where it was infected and left the (hopefully) good stuff. Im not putting up photos atm because they dont look too crash hot and even I dont like looking at them. I cant really get any h2o2 where I am, I could get it off ebay but ill see how I go. Ive fully cleaned the buckets out once again and only added Pythoff and Zyme till they get there roots back. The PH is staying stable now and I will start adding nutes if and when they get there roots back.

Heres hoping, thanks


Well-Known Member
if you cant get your hand on some h202 run some bene's You can brew your own for the best quality. personally i just use botanicares aquashield. havnt used my h202 in a month or so.
the current june hightimes has an article on brewing teas, also there is a sticky the DWC section


Well-Known Member
So after stressing out going crazy wondering what I was going to do, I went down to my local hydro store and talked to the owner for about 20mins. She ended up telling me what I was doing wrong and that I didnt need to buy anything else. What I needed to do was raise my water level (because im not using a drip feed). She said to only run Ryzofuel till i get my roots back, then slowly bring back the nutes. Now the wait :P

:EDIT: She also told me why I was getting the slime but it was a lot of scientific words and I just kept nodding :P, but she said I shouldn't have a problem with it now, especially with the h202 that I've ordered.


Well-Known Member
Very nice, and not to sound brash as I am sure your aware but IMHO you should lower the water temperature in your reservoir if at all possible. Generally if your having problems with stuff in your res it is temperature or a light problem. I hope you get your ladies back to where they were because your previous pics look bomb. Good luck and keep them green!


Well-Known Member
Hi Kush,

Yeah mate I've always tried to keep the temps around 20*c or under and the buckets should be close to 100% light proof. I put frozen water bottles in the res's before I go to work but they thaw and the res temps go up till I can get home. When I got home today the temps were around 24 which is high but not over the top.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for no updates fellas, roots are slowly growing back. Its like waiting for seedlings to root again, taking its time.


Well-Known Member
Haha i suppose but these things should be a foot high by now an getting ready for 12/12 and they only look about 2-3 weeks old :( its sad