DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes


Quite new to growing and the forum alike and brewing my first tea this evening. Am a bit limited in what I can get in the area, but got some worm castings and was advised to use Bat Guano as well in my tea. Doing some research there appears to be microbes in Bat Guano. I did a search through the thread, but couldn't find a solid answer.

Before using it though, just want to find out if this is a good or bad idea for dwc?


Hey BC Not sure about root builder im familiar with it but havent looked if it contains the same bacterial and fungal line up
You would use tea + your nutes - hydrox or clear Rez etc...as those things kill bacteria


Active Member
So today my tea is done, I used two hand full of worm castings, 15ml aqua shield, 1 1/2 tbs molasses and cap of flora nectar. I am waiting on my great white to arrive. Got very good amount of microbe farts at 24 hrs, still smelt a little sweet. 48 hrs smelled like a rainforest. poured trough the root pots at 10 am and now its 11 pm, I have a clear slime on my roots ( I know its normal ) just to let everyone know I have been battling root rot/brown slime since week 2. Its now week 4 with not one bit of growth on top or bottom. The roots are only about 2 in bad shape, I transplanted one to dirt but the other 3 I kept in 5 gal DWC. I checked on them tonight and I already see new roots. WTF I am mind blow, I cant thank you enough Heiz for all you knowledge, I have read from page 1. I will keep you updated.... Trying to figure how to upload photos so I can show progress if anyone can help me with that I just cant figure it out...


Well-Known Member
You got to reply -> advanced -> manage attachments (toward the bottom, among other choosers) That takes you to a pop up that is for attachments.

Upper right corner is the button to begin.

Slime s ia battle we all fight in hydro. It lift the spirits to see those new root coming out.


Well-Known Member
I've run a mix of Physan 20 and now running 29% H2O2 for 2 days.. After I flush should it be good for Tea?


Well-Known Member
Well, that's what I did. Drained down to 8 gals and put in a quart of 29% and let it run. Amazing amount of junk came out of the 2" cross pipes connecting each bucket.


Active Member
DSCN0730.jpgDSCN0785.jpg The first pic is week 2 before the shit hit the fan. Pic 2 is the aftermath of my slime battle two weeks later, main root fell off and just my little glob. I put in my tea brew and if you notice next to the brown glob I have new roots coming out...yay... I know its not much but if you have been trough slime any progress is good. thanks again for all the help everyone.. will keep updated


Active Member
I have not even checked my ph since I put it in, From all ive read it will go up and down until everything calms down in the microbe war.. I only going to do it on first flush and after. The brewing of different teas has started to a spark in my brain. Its raining tonight and im going to collect it and use it in my teas. Also using things I can find in the wild, I started walking around in the woods and found very old oaks, and other trees that has its own compost at the base (worm poop and all) Also bought a cheap tub from wal mart and went to the fishing store and bought me 6 dozen live assorted worms. Put them in the tub, top soil and compost I collected from the woods. I am making my own worm castings. I figured maybe I can slowly mix in some aqua shield and great white to the dirt with out hurting the worms.... I figured it would breed in the dirt and would come out in the castings.... also only using rain water on the worms.. this is how my day has been, like I said it sparked something and iths all so cheap to do cost me 12$


Active Member
Ok quick question, went an check my plants and the buckets kinda smell like old water/ almost sewer like its only 72 in room and water is 70.got clear slime on tips of roots, roots are still growing from hours earlier (almost doubled) should I be worried? Only thing I can think is maybe those 2 week old tiny brown glob is dying?


Well-Known Member
I have not even checked my ph since I put it in, From all ive read it will go up and down until everything calms down in the microbe war.. I only going to do it on first flush and after. The brewing of different teas has started to a spark in my brain. Its raining tonight and im going to collect it and use it in my teas. Also using things I can find in the wild, I started walking around in the woods and found very old oaks, and other trees that has its own compost at the base (worm poop and all) Also bought a cheap tub from wal mart and went to the fishing store and bought me 6 dozen live assorted worms. Put them in the tub, top soil and compost I collected from the woods. I am making my own worm castings. I figured maybe I can slowly mix in some aqua shield and great white to the dirt with out hurting the worms.... I figured it would breed in the dirt and would come out in the castings.... also only using rain water on the worms.. this is how my day has been, like I said it sparked something and iths all so cheap to do cost me 12$
Synthetic Hydro is far different from organic gardening.

I don't think gathering any old soil product or leaf humus is the idea....for non-organic hydro. So, grow your worms with it but, I'm sure I would not want to be introducing random biotic material and the associated who know's what. Spider mites probably?

You have to be careful even in soil gardening.


Active Member
I understand that, I am just trying to make it where I don't have to buy products all the time. Aquashield, Great white, all I am doing is using the new worm castings for my tea brew. So far the worms love there new home, I misted the tub with my brewed tea and it didn't bother them. so we will see, But I am going to let them sit for a month and take a handful of casting to make my tea. hopefully no unwanted things, just super loaded tea


Active Member
DSCN0787.jpgDay 3 root rot gone on 2 out of 3... One does not have any roots and its growing... the ones with roots growing nothing, they are just stuck at the same size so this is how its going....


Well-Known Member
No...but, I did find this for powder mold. (powdery mildew) I'll try it on the outdoor roses. I usually don't get it indoors.

I did a foliar spray the other day with 10% skim milk and the rest RO water for the powder mold issues I have. Normally I just spray with RO water only. Well I will tell you they really perked up!! Not only that but it killed the mold that was on any leaf I hit it with. I could tell the leaf really perked up with it. So I will be playing more with foliage feeding. I just hate the thought of spraying it on everything else besides the leaves.