DWC Reserva Privada Stacked Kush


Active Member

  • This is my first Hydro grow, so I am gonna try and keep up with it on here just in case I run into any problems. Ive done some soil grows in the past so I am banking on that to get me through this with not too many problems.

    My Setup
    • 2' x 4' tent
    • 1 Stacked Kush seed
    • 5 gal bucket with air stone at the bottom
    • CFLs to start/vegging
    • 400 watt HPS for flowering
    • General Hydroponics Micro and Bloom
    • Lucas Formula

    There is a little bit of stress on the first set of fan leaves. I believe its just from having my CFLs too close. I have since moved them back and waiting to see if the problem resides. Lemme know what you think.



Well-Known Member
Yeah you`re alright mate. Just let that pup develop some roots and she`ll take off for you. Can`t wait to see how this goes, I`` stay tuned :blsmoke:

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind if the plant leaf tissue if stunted, sometimes it won`t continue to grow. Keep your eyes on new shoot growth with nice color and rigidity once sprouted (no curling!). Otherwise, yeah, you`ve encountered your first issue on this one and succeeded :)

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Your new growth looks great. Keep your lights where their at and monitor those leaves. Your other leaves likely won`t regenerate after the abuse. Keep it up!

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
You`re looking proper now mate. That new growth is looking great. Once you get more the busy happening (4-5 nodes) you can trim off those stunted one. You can see my Cataract Album to see my initially damaged Leader that was later pruned once a nice canopy was in place :). Keep it up, that strain will be boss

KC :weed:


Active Member
I wanted to top this plant between the 5th and 6th node. The damaged leaves do not count as a node, do they? So this baby would have 2 nodes, right? I thought the damaged leaves were called something that started with a p.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to top this plant between the 5th and 6th node. The damaged leaves do not count as a node, do they?
Naw they don`t count, just your first initial leaves. I prune mine once they stop recieving light from the canopy above. Sounds like your right on man. Can`t wait!

KC :weed:


Active Member
I trimmed one of the burnt leaves and cut off the other. It was kind of an accident when I was moving it, but it broke off with relative ease


Well-Known Member
Roots are starting to bundle up nicely
Looking healthy mate, you`re definitely on the right track. Can`t wait until these babes take off. My babes are going nuts the last couple days after some tactile pruning. Hopefully yours will favour you similarily. Keep us updated!!

KC :weed:


Active Member
Here are pictures from two days ago. I took my sweet time transferring them over to the computer. Blame it on the bongsmilie! Their is one spot that concerns me, and I am unsure what deficiency or issue is causing it, but it is minor atm so it can easily be fixed. The roots look yellow because of the lighting, but they are in fact a nice white color. I topped it a little early as I have to chop by the second week in june, so I dont have a lot of time for vegging. I plan on switching her over to 12/12 600w hps from 24/0 cfl sometime next week. Lemme know what you think! :peace:bongsmilie:sleep:

