Dwc leaves curling up like tacos


3 gallon bucket
purple skunk
400 watt hps
3rd week into flowering
genral hydro nutes
r.o. Water
ph 6-6.5
75-80 temp
hum 45-50
new to site and growing


Well-Known Member
Werty start with a 1/4 teaspoon (epsoms) per gallon. Using r/o water you may need to add cal-mag with each res change in the future. No need to use the dose given on the bottle. Usually 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per gallon is enough for most strains.


Thanks for all the help i put epsoms salt in with water last nite. I dont have PPM meter yet i change water every 4-5 days uping alittle bit each change. Ill put pictures on tonite. Im learning and buying as i go.