DWC first timer


RIU Bulldog
Hey ppl,

This go around I'm gonna try the DWC system while I scrog. I've scrogged before so I know how to do that, but I've never used a dwc system. The idea seems easy enough. From what I gather the most important principles are not letting light into the reservoir and keeping the reservoir water temperature low, but other than that I don't know too much. I was wondering, what kind of curve balls should I expect when working with this system? What are the algae and slime issues I might have to deal with. What kind of DWC additive products should I get familiar with? What temperature should the reservoir be? What do you guys and gals think of these




RIU Bulldog
Cant any-fucking-body give me some pointers or tips to get through this smoothly?
Whats this subculture-b and subculture-h stuff?
Do I run the air pump 24 hours?
What temperature should the reservoir be?
Do I use h2o2 regularly like I would regular fertilizers or only when something needs to be fixed?
Hey ppl,

This go around I'm gonna try the DWC system while I scrog. I've scrogged before so I know how to do that, but I've never used a dwc system. The idea seems easy enough. From what I gather the most important principles are not letting light into the reservoir and keeping the reservoir water temperature low, but other than that I don't know too much. I was wondering, what kind of curve balls should I expect when working with this system? What are the algae and slime issues I might have to deal with. What kind of DWC additive products should I get familiar with? What temperature should the reservoir be? What do you guys and gals think of these


Hi there!
I'm gonna try to help you responding few of you questions with my own DWC experience. The system is pretty easy to use. First of all, are you building your own?
The algae, root rot and slime nasty shit can easily happen with you don't daily monitor the system, keeping water temperature below 70F, flushing your system every 2 weeks for the longest, using beneficial bacteria is definitely necessary and will avoid you a headache later.
About the Micro-Pore Diffuser, I never used and to be honest I would not spend that much money on it, instead, I'd use the money to get a more powerful air pump, which would put more oxygenation in the system, where many problems related to root rot were cause by poor oxygenation.
Hit me up with you have any more questions.
Check out the thread that I just open,
Cant any-fucking-body give me some pointers or tips to get through this smoothly?
Whats this subculture-b and subculture-h stuff?
Do I run the air pump 24 hours?
What temperature should the reservoir be?
Do I use h2o2 regularly like I would regular fertilizers or only when something needs to be fixed?
I didn't see these questions.
About subculture as I recommended before:
SubCulture-B is a probiotic inoculum of beneficial microorganisms that will help increase the vitality and yield in all plants. Whether in soil or hydroponics, our proprietary blend of bacteria and trichoderma fungi colonize the root zone and media to form a symbiotic relationship with your plants. Root systems will increase, as well as nutrient absorption, thus creating bigger, healthier plants. Start with SubCulture-M, add SubCulture-B to establish root systems.

Your air pump should run 24/7, but, I just had to put mine on timer because of my neighbor. After midnight I can notice the noise as I have an AP-100 running is a powerful air pump, what I did was set it to run 1 hour On and 1 hour OFF until 7 am, basically the air pump will shut off for 4 hour in a 24 hour period.
The reservoir temperature should be at 68f, but I personally can't keep that all the time, during hot days I have to add ice bags because I don't have a chiller in my vegetative room, only in my flower.
DO NOT ADD H2O2 WITH YOU USE: Roots Excelurator, Great White, SubCulture B-M and any other beneficial bacteria available. All beneficial bacterial will die if you add it.
Good luck!


Active Member
Ya what he said, ur GHP subculture b and m ,, well mostly b will keep your rez looking great and roots looking like advertising material how flawless they look, along with lots of airbubbles. I'm able to do dwc 5 gal setups and I only change my water from veg to bloom, and my res stays just fine with top offs. I use the lucas formula which u can check out at lucasforumula.com or I'm sure there are threads about it here as well.
I didn't see these questions.
About subculture as I recommended before:
SubCulture-B is a probiotic inoculum of beneficial microorganisms that will help increase the vitality and yield in all plants. Whether in soil or hydroponics, our proprietary blend of bacteria and trichoderma fungi colonize the root zone and media to form a symbiotic relationship with your plants. Root systems will increase, as well as nutrient absorption, thus creating bigger, healthier plants. Start with SubCulture-M, add SubCulture-B to establish root systems.

Your air pump should run 24/7, but, I just had to put mine on timer because of my neighbor. After midnight I can notice the noise as I have an AP-100 running is a powerful air pump, what I did was set it to run 1 hour On and 1 hour OFF until 7 am, basically the air pump will shut off for 4 hour in a 24 hour period.
The reservoir temperature should be at 68f, but I personally can't keep that all the time, during hot days I have to add ice bags because I don't have a chiller in my vegetative room, only in my flower.
DO NOT ADD H2O2 WITH YOU USE: Roots Excelurator, Great White, SubCulture B-M and any other beneficial bacteria available. All beneficial bacterial will die if you add it.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Cant any-fucking-body give me some pointers or tips to get through this smoothly?
Whats this subculture-b and subculture-h stuff?
Do I run the air pump 24 hours?
What temperature should the reservoir be?
Do I use h2o2 regularly like I would regular fertilizers or only when something needs to be fixed?
Hey Beansly. I run 5 gal bubble buckets so here is what I can tell from my experience. I run my air pump 27/7. I keep my grow room at about 78 during the day and 70 at night so my water temps stay about 72 to 75 degrees. I change the bucket out once a week and top off with ph water in between and run 3 gallon in each one. I don't use H2o2 and never had to. I have never had a root problem but I link that to running beneficial bacteria in my buckets. I used Great White in all previous grows but I just started making a "Bene Tea" with it and I'm using it now and it works great. Here is a good read on that subject......https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/361430-how-breed-your-own-beneficial.html


You can check out my grow here. https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/411091-check-out-my-first-grow.html. Im using 5 gallons. As well. If you are using Reverse Osmosis water then you can use beneficial bacteria. A word of caution if your water contains chlorine it makes organics next to impossible. I stick to FloraGro FloraMicro FloraBloom and Botanicare Cal Mag. Thats it and I have minimal issues. Ha I even use clear tubs and I have not had an algae issue except for 1 5 gallon tub. I used a spoonful of bleach in nutrient solution and it was gone. The mother is still here and kicking. So there many factors that can make this work for you. Also do not do as I do when it comes to the tubs because you will never hear the end of it from this community!! :)


RIU Bulldog
I didn't see these questions.
About subculture as I recommended before:
SubCulture-B is a probiotic inoculum of beneficial microorganisms that will help increase the vitality and yield in all plants. Whether in soil or hydroponics, our proprietary blend of bacteria and trichoderma fungi colonize the root zone and media to form a symbiotic relationship with your plants. Root systems will increase, as well as nutrient absorption, thus creating bigger, healthier plants. Start with SubCulture-M, add SubCulture-B to establish root systems.
Your air pump should run 24/7, but, I just had to put mine on timer because of my neighbor. After midnight I can notice the noise as I have an AP-100 running is a powerful air pump, what I did was set it to run 1 hour On and 1 hour OFF until 7 am, basically the air pump will shut off for 4 hour in a 24 hour period.
The reservoir temperature should be at 68f, but I personally can't keep that all the time, during hot days I have to add ice bags because I don't have a chiller in my vegetative room, only in my flower.
DO NOT ADD H2O2 WITH YOU USE: Roots Excelurator, Great White, SubCulture B-M and any other beneficial bacteria available. All beneficial bacterial will die if you add it.
Good luck!
Sorry I wasn't yelling at you. I had this up for a few days before anybody answered, and I was getting kinda frustrated. Ok so that's what subculture b & m are...
Good to know. So will I need that from the start or do I add that stuff when something goes wrong (i.e. slim, or root rot or something)? I've heard from heisenburg that bennies are unnecessary until you get slime or algae issues, is that true? What do you guys think?
I looked up the pump that you have and jeez, I thought I was going expensive on the pump I bought! I got the GH 728040 Dual Diaphragm air pump @ 320 gph/20L per min. I plan on running (4) 5 gallon buckets with it and it seemed like it was powerful enough. I guess not, though haven't tried it yet. I too live in a hot environment so I'm gonna need to freeze some water bottles to keep my res temps low also. Thanks again for the help and info.