Durban poison?


Active Member
Not very... I'd say.... 3/4" tall and about as thick as a pencil(not counting the stamens). Like I said earlier, the thing is on steroids or something... If all of those little buds produce 3 grams dried, I'll be absolutely thrilled, probably not gonna happen though. If it did, I'd be looking at over 3 oz... I'll be grateful for whatever it gives me though.


Well-Known Member
well if its not terribly big, you could maybe try topping your plant but I have never done any of that stuff so I couldn't really tell you how it would effect your plant in the stage that its in. I think topping is normally done in veg.


Active Member
See, I think your right, but this damn thing is out of control. Only think I can think of is maybe taping a piece of glass to the lights hanging above so it hits and can't touch the ballasts... That or some plastic of some sort.


Well-Known Member
I forget, are you tight on vertical space? if not, just adjust the lights every day or so as needed. It's bound to stop vertical growth soon, its going to need to start pumping all its energy into buds.


Active Member
I got maybe 1 more foot max before I can't let it grow any more... After that I guess it'll just have to deal with what room it has.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't imagine it getting another foot taller. you should let it go, but if it finally does reach it, you could harvest some of that top bud to keep it from hitting the light. what you cut off might not be too great, but I bet that would def make the plant start focusing on the buds it already has and not grown anymore.


Active Member
I don't have any idea if I should chop the top or not. It's just going and going and won't stop. I'm going to try and cut the lighting by an hour(11 on 13 off) and see if that will convince it to cooperate a little. If not, oh well. Guess I'll let it keep going until I run out of room and start chopping...

The Boy

Well-Known Member
I didn't read all 6 pages but the original problem is that when you switch from 12/12 (flowering) back to 18/6 (veg) it stunts the plants growth and it won't really grow for a couple weeks. I don't know if anyone told you that already... good luck with your grow.


Active Member
Added some more light. Now up to four 2700k 24w cfls, three 4100k 24w cfl's, one 3000k 40w cfl, and six 48" 40w T-12 3000k flouro's


Active Member
I read a guide about growing DP specifically. It claimed that DP likes to get cut down to 8/16 during the final weeks of flowering(last 3 or 4 weeks). So I switched to that. It's bugging the hell out of me that it keeps growing up and up. This is my one hope to stem the upwards growth and maybe get some bud growth(buds are showing some trichromes finally)

I also realized I stunted the initial growth by going from 12/12 to 16/8. First time grower, so I know i made a mistake. I've made lots of them with this grow. Thing is, it's still looking promising, though it may not yield much. Yield is yield, and it's all home grown at that point. I can't complain about that! Fresh!!


Active Member
you foliar spray your plant four time a day? you should only foliar your plant like 2 time a week. the plant doesnt grow good roots if you foliar that much. try cutting back on that.


Active Member
have cut back entirely. I read it will rot the flowers, so I do not do it now. I will make sure to go easy on the spray next time around. Thanks for the info :)


Active Member
sorry i didnt notice the 6 PAGES, it might have be mentioned already. theres some good info in here.


Active Member
It's looking trichromier now too. I hope it's good enough... Just added a exhaust fan to the top of the area I had it in. Temps were in the mid 90's :evil: so I decided that was enough. It's now 42".... I thought it was done growing up.... damnit.