Dunking Your Roots


Well-Known Member
A buddy told me that if I take my plants just after harvest and dunk the roots in warm whole milk for half an hour before I start to dry them that the smoke will be smoother and stronger.



Yeah, it'll work.

Go ahead and also add bunnies and butterflies to your dry chamber, as this will increase the sweetness of the bud.

Warm whole milk, wtf, are you buds teething 1year olds?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking maybe buttermilk would work as well, but maybe I shouldn't keep it in as long? Can I use the same milk for all of my plants or should I use fresh milk for each one?


Well-Known Member
They are fucking with you?
Dont give em milk.
It cant be good.

I seen a guy here who keeps a bar of soap near his plants cause it gives em good engery or somthing.
Heard of people running nails into the stems.
People do crazy shit.
Most crazy shit dosent help.
It just stresses the plant.

Most cut water to the plant an give it darkness for 72 hrs.
Theres Some scintific merrit to this, may add potency.
I dont even flush em anymore, I could tell no difference.


Well-Known Member
yeah you must use fresh milk for every plant and not that cheap ass stuff you get at walmart the whole organic stuff you get at wholefoods...what happens is theres a hormone called rBGH and it's like adding nitro to your plants but it's used up fast but the real thing to do is go out to the dairy farm and get it fresh as the hormone used is filtered down at the dairy plant so like go out to a farm with a five gallon bucket and find a cow and milk the shit out of it...but hurry because the power fades from the fresh milk fast...if you do that you can stare at your plants and see the resin pour out of the leaves and buds...you kinda have to watch close for like a couple hours after...but in the dark so use a flash light...it's something alot of people don't know about... if you use the store bought filtered shit you need to change the milk out every half an hour but give them a full 2 hours maybe three but you don't want your plants to be to strong because then the thc starts to turn in to cbd and cough lock city...post your results but beware alot of guy's don't want people to know about this...good growing


Misguided Angel
yeah you must use fresh milk for every plant and not that cheap ass stuff you get at walmart the whole organic stuff you get at wholefoods...what happens is theres a hormone called rBGH and it's like adding nitro to your plants but it's used up fast but the real thing to do is go out to the dairy farm and get it fresh as the hormone used is filtered down at the dairy plant so like go out to a farm with a five gallon bucket and find a cow and milk the shit out of it...but hurry because the power fades from the fresh milk fast...if you do that you can stare at your plants and see the resin pour out of the leaves and buds...you kinda have to watch close for like a couple hours after...but in the dark so use a flash light...it's something alot of people don't know about... if you use the store bought filtered shit you need to change the milk out every half an hour but give them a full 2 hours maybe three but you don't want your plants to be to strong because then the thc starts to turn in to cbd and cough lock city...post your results but beware alot of guy's don't want people to know about this...good growing
I hate getting "cough lock" :wink:


Active Member
This old hippie told me to dunk the root ball of my plants at harvest time in boiling water because it makes all the thc go to the buds. I thought that was where the thc was already, but I tried this once in my turkey frier and it didn't seem to make a difference. Maybe I should have used milk!


Well-Known Member
Thanx Icann, I knew my buddy had a secret method, and all those cows he has, but he doesnt sell the milk...I knew it was goin somewhere....


Well-Known Member
lucky sob...probably has some super strain he bred...after years of milk dunking his plants..."has to change the dna after awhile"...only selecting the one's that produce the highest most potent thc content...he only smokes one joint and see how many days he's high for and records it in a little black book...that's how I'd do it...now I have to add a dairy farm to my to do list...perfect cover...damn


Well-Known Member
I confronted him about it, he says its true, but heres a bit i bet you didnt know. He says you gotta feed the cows your trimmings, that makes them have thc infused milk so when you soak the roots in it, its a THC explosion on the buds....

Shhh, I wasnt spossed to tell anybody, far as he knows, hes the only one doing this.....