Dump Trump


Well-Known Member
A little over a month from now, the 538 Electoral College members will come together and throw in their “votes” to choose our next president. By that time, Hillary Clinton will have somewhere around 2,000,000, (Cali has about 5 million mail in votes left to be counted) more citizen votes than Donald Trump. David Wasserman over at the Cook Political Report has been keeping an up-to-date tally of the 2016 presidential election vote counts here. As of this date, Hillary Clinton has 61,964,263 votes while Donald Trump has 60,961,967. Using my fingers, that comes out to a 1,002,296 vote lead for the Democratic nominee. That number will continue to grow.
There are a few things to take away from this fact.

  • Hillary Clinton was the choice for president of the United States over Donald Trump in the majority of voters’ minds.
  • As bad as it feels that white supremacists are about to have the keys and the driver’s seat, they still do not represent the majority of Americans. In fact, less than 25% of the people in our country actually voted for Trump.
  • The last time we had a president voted in without popular support from the citizens of the United States, we ended up with two wars, axis of evils, a destabilized Middle East that has turned into ISIS, and a bankrupted economy being supported by the most disproportionate income gaps since the Great Depression. There are numerous things you can do. The petitions surrounding Clinton’s popular vote and the Electoral College have ballooned in a very short time. The time to organize and move forward is now. There are marches to participate in your area. There are letters to be written to your representatives.
Go to Change.org and sign the petition to void Trump's election, and put that POS and his supportes back where they belong, in the trash heap. There is still time.


Well-Known Member
A little over a month from now, the 538 Electoral College members will come together and throw in their “votes” to choose our next president. By that time, Hillary Clinton will have somewhere around 2,000,000, (Cali has about 5 million mail in votes left to be counted) more citizen votes than Donald Trump. David Wasserman over at the Cook Political Report has been keeping an up-to-date tally of the 2016 presidential election vote counts here. As of this date, Hillary Clinton has 61,964,263 votes while Donald Trump has 60,961,967. Using my fingers, that comes out to a 1,002,296 vote lead for the Democratic nominee. That number will continue to grow.
There are a few things to take away from this fact.

  • Hillary Clinton was the choice for president of the United States over Donald Trump in the majority of voters’ minds.
  • As bad as it feels that white supremacists are about to have the keys and the driver’s seat, they still do not represent the majority of Americans. In fact, less than 25% of the people in our country actually voted for Trump.
  • The last time we had a president voted in without popular support from the citizens of the United States, we ended up with two wars, axis of evils, a destabilized Middle East that has turned into ISIS, and a bankrupted economy being supported by the most disproportionate income gaps since the Great Depression. There are numerous things you can do. The petitions surrounding Clinton’s popular vote and the Electoral College have ballooned in a very short time. The time to organize and move forward is now. There are marches to participate in your area. There are letters to be written to your representatives.
Go to Change.org and sign the petition to void Trump's election, and put that POS and his supportes back where they belong, in the trash heap. There is still time.
C'mon, Jim..the contest was run..no do-overs because we don't like the outcome.

Next time, we cannot ALLOW pre-anointed elites (or those bully members with egg on their face who support them) to call the shots.

What they did to Bernie was inconscionable.

4 years is a drop in the bucket.


Well-Known Member
C'mon, Jim..the contest was run..no do-overs because we don't like the outcome.

Next time, we cannot ALLOW pre-anointed elites (or those bully members with egg on their face who support them) to call the shots.

What they did to Bernie was inconscionable.

4 years is a drop in the bucket.
Four years of Trump is a drop in the bucket? Give me a break, and as you stated, no do-overs for Bernie either, he lost to Hillary and then campaigned on her behalf, like a true Democrat that understand there are bigger issues here than the DNC playing games. Read my OP, especially the part where less than 25% of eligible voters voted for Trump. You want to tell me to get over that. No fucking way. Oh, and by the way, who the fuck are elites? People that actually went to college and did something with their lives and have an IQ above 70? Those elites?
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Well-Known Member
You want the racist?

Duh, kick rocks idiot.
I'm with you dude, Neither of them is a decent person, they are both puppets who have been played, the more worrying thing is who is going to swat him out of the way and claim the Presidency that is undoubtedly going to happen.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you dude, Neither of them is a decent person, they are both puppets who have been played, the more worrying thing is who is going to swat him out of the way and claim the Presidency that is undoubtedly going to happen.

If pence is canned too, wich is likely. Paul Ryan would be next in line. How fitting is this headline, lol. Fuck these cucks!

Mike Pence has his own email controversy in Indiana

By Kristine Guerra November 17 at 9:01 AM

For the past year and a half, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has been mired in a legal dispute over government transparency as his lawyers fight to withhold the contents of an email that some say should be considered public record.

Critics of the vice president-elect's decision to not release the records — specifically an email attachment sent to Pence's chief of staff in 2014 — say it sets a dangerous precedent that would give the executive branch the ability to decide what's public and what's not, without much accountability.

William Groth, a Democratic attorney who sued Pence last year in an effort to unseal the records, said there's also some “element of hypocrisy,” as the Republican governor and President-elect Donald Trump spent the past several months criticizing Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

After an FBI investigation of Clinton’s emails, FBI Director James Comey told the Justice Department that no charges were appropriate.

State officials say there are no comparisons to be drawn between the two cases.

“They aren't even in the same universe,” Matt Lloyd, Pence's spokesman, told The Washington Post. “One broke the law, and the other did not.”

Groth argued that Pence improperly withheld public records but said the legal dispute over the governor's emails “has different issues and different concerns” than the Clinton case.

Indeed, Pence did not communicate classified information on an unsecured private server, and he certainly wasn't investigated for possible criminal conduct by the FBI. The question before the Indiana court is whether information sent through government emails are subject to public records laws, or whether they should be exempted under certain circumstance

How the case unfolded
In 2014, Indiana joined 16 other states in suing the federal government to overturn President Obama's executive order shielding about 4 million illegal immigrants from deportation. These include children who entered the country undocumented with their parents and adults whose children are either U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. The order directed the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to prioritize deporting felons.

The lawsuit, which was spearheaded by Texas and filed in December 2014, argued that Obama's action was an overreach of his authority.

Normally, a state's attorney general's office represents government officials and agencies in legal matters. In this case, the Indiana attorney general's office opted to not be involved. The governor's office then hired Barnes & Thornburg LLP, one of the major law firms in Indiana, on the taxpayers' dime.

Groth told The Post that he was concerned about taxpayer dollars being spent on the litigation, so he submitted a public records request in December 2014, asking for all communications between Pence and the state attorney general's office about his decision to join the lawsuit, the contract between Pence's office and the private law firm, and invoices that show how much the litigation costs.

Groth was unsatisfied with the records he received in response to his request, so he filed a lawsuit in Marion County court in June 2015.

What Pence disclosed
The governor's office released 57 pages of emails pertaining to Indiana's involvement in the federal lawsuit over Obama's executive order.

Groth also had received copies of invoices from Barnes & Thornburg showing how much Indiana spent in attorney fees and travel and lodging expenses while the case was being litigated in federal district court in Texas.

Records show the state spent nearly $79,000 over a course of about 10 months, from January 2015 to November 2015.

The Obama administration lost in federal district court, as well as in the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Last June, the U.S. Supreme Court deadlocked at 4-4, likely a fatal blow to Obama's immigration initiative.

What Pence did not disclose
Among the emails that were released, one in particular stands out. Sent in November 2014 by Daniel Hodge, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's chief of staff, to several state officials urging them to join the lawsuit against Obama. Among the recipients of that email was Pence's chief of staff, James Atterholt.

The email includes a PDF attachment called “white paper,” which Pence's office did not release. Its content is unknown, but Hodge's email describes it as an outline of legal theories supporting the lawsuit against Obama. Parts of the invoices, a few names in the email and one message were redacted.

Pence's attorneys argue in court records that the contents of the “white paper” and the redacted portions are protected from disclosure under attorney-client privilege. In April, a Marion County judge who reviewed the “white paper” agreed with the state and ruled that Pence did not violate Indiana's public records law. The state's public access counselor, who advises on issues over public records, had reached the same decision.

Groth, who is appealing the ruling in the Indiana Court of Appeals, argues that the document and the other redactions don't fall under attorney-client privilege. The “white paper,” for instance, was not information shared solely between Pence and his attorneys; rather, it was sent to 30 other state officials. It also wasn't written by Pence's lawyer but was drafted by the attorney representing Texas in the federal case, according to records

A dangerous precedent?
The governor's attorneys argued in court records that Groth's appeal would require the court to “intermeddle with government functions reserved to the Governor under Indiana's Constitution.”

They cited a previous case in which the Indiana Supreme Court decided that a lawmaker's email correspondence with companies that lobby him will not be released. The state's highest court ruled that the judiciary shouldn't interfere with the internal functions of the legislative branch of government.

Raising the issue of separation of powers “would render all of (Pence's) emails undiscoverable,” Groth said. An appeals court decision in Pence's favor would set a dangerous precedent in which future governors would not be required to comply with open records laws, Groth said, adding that it would have a “significant impact on the transparency of state government.”

“It comes down to this: The court is giving up its ability to check another branch of government, and that should worry people,” Gerry Lanosga, who teaches media law at Indiana University, told the Indianapolis Star.

5-Minute Fix newsletter

Keeping up with politics is easy now.

The appeals court is scheduled to hear oral arguments next week and could reach a decision within the next two months.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you dude, Neither of them is a decent person, they are both puppets who have been played, the more worrying thing is who is going to swat him out of the way and claim the Presidency that is undoubtedly going to happen.

Nope sorry dude ,one had a private email server and one is Lucifer in the flesh. Figure it out stupid:-)
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Well-Known Member
If pence is canned too, wich is likely. Paul Ryan would be next in line. How fitting is this headline, lol. Fuck these cucks!

Mike Pence has his own email controversy in Indiana

By Kristine Guerra November 17 at 9:01 AM

For the past year and a half, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has been mired in a legal dispute over government transparency as his lawyers fight to withhold the contents of an email that some say should be considered public record.

Critics of the vice president-elect's decision to not release the records — specifically an email attachment sent to Pence's chief of staff in 2014 — say it sets a dangerous precedent that would give the executive branch the ability to decide what's public and what's not, without much accountability.

William Groth, a Democratic attorney who sued Pence last year in an effort to unseal the records, said there's also some “element of hypocrisy,” as the Republican governor and President-elect Donald Trump spent the past several months criticizing Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

After an FBI investigation of Clinton’s emails, FBI Director James Comey told the Justice Department that no charges were appropriate.

State officials say there are no comparisons to be drawn between the two cases.

“They aren't even in the same universe,” Matt Lloyd, Pence's spokesman, told The Washington Post. “One broke the law, and the other did not.”

Groth argued that Pence improperly withheld public records but said the legal dispute over the governor's emails “has different issues and different concerns” than the Clinton case.

Indeed, Pence did not communicate classified information on an unsecured private server, and he certainly wasn't investigated for possible criminal conduct by the FBI. The question before the Indiana court is whether information sent through government emails are subject to public records laws, or whether they should be exempted under certain circumstance

How the case unfolded
In 2014, Indiana joined 16 other states in suing the federal government to overturn President Obama's executive order shielding about 4 million illegal immigrants from deportation. These include children who entered the country undocumented with their parents and adults whose children are either U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. The order directed the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to prioritize deporting felons.

The lawsuit, which was spearheaded by Texas and filed in December 2014, argued that Obama's action was an overreach of his authority.

Normally, a state's attorney general's office represents government officials and agencies in legal matters. In this case, the Indiana attorney general's office opted to not be involved. The governor's office then hired Barnes & Thornburg LLP, one of the major law firms in Indiana, on the taxpayers' dime.

Groth told The Post that he was concerned about taxpayer dollars being spent on the litigation, so he submitted a public records request in December 2014, asking for all communications between Pence and the state attorney general's office about his decision to join the lawsuit, the contract between Pence's office and the private law firm, and invoices that show how much the litigation costs.

Groth was unsatisfied with the records he received in response to his request, so he filed a lawsuit in Marion County court in June 2015.

What Pence disclosed
The governor's office released 57 pages of emails pertaining to Indiana's involvement in the federal lawsuit over Obama's executive order.

Groth also had received copies of invoices from Barnes & Thornburg showing how much Indiana spent in attorney fees and travel and lodging expenses while the case was being litigated in federal district court in Texas.

Records show the state spent nearly $79,000 over a course of about 10 months, from January 2015 to November 2015.

The Obama administration lost in federal district court, as well as in the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Last June, the U.S. Supreme Court deadlocked at 4-4, likely a fatal blow to Obama's immigration initiative.

What Pence did not disclose
Among the emails that were released, one in particular stands out. Sent in November 2014 by Daniel Hodge, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's chief of staff, to several state officials urging them to join the lawsuit against Obama. Among the recipients of that email was Pence's chief of staff, James Atterholt.

The email includes a PDF attachment called “white paper,” which Pence's office did not release. Its content is unknown, but Hodge's email describes it as an outline of legal theories supporting the lawsuit against Obama. Parts of the invoices, a few names in the email and one message were redacted.

Pence's attorneys argue in court records that the contents of the “white paper” and the redacted portions are protected from disclosure under attorney-client privilege. In April, a Marion County judge who reviewed the “white paper” agreed with the state and ruled that Pence did not violate Indiana's public records law. The state's public access counselor, who advises on issues over public records, had reached the same decision.

Groth, who is appealing the ruling in the Indiana Court of Appeals, argues that the document and the other redactions don't fall under attorney-client privilege. The “white paper,” for instance, was not information shared solely between Pence and his attorneys; rather, it was sent to 30 other state officials. It also wasn't written by Pence's lawyer but was drafted by the attorney representing Texas in the federal case, according to records

A dangerous precedent?
The governor's attorneys argued in court records that Groth's appeal would require the court to “intermeddle with government functions reserved to the Governor under Indiana's Constitution.”

They cited a previous case in which the Indiana Supreme Court decided that a lawmaker's email correspondence with companies that lobby him will not be released. The state's highest court ruled that the judiciary shouldn't interfere with the internal functions of the legislative branch of government.

Raising the issue of separation of powers “would render all of (Pence's) emails undiscoverable,” Groth said. An appeals court decision in Pence's favor would set a dangerous precedent in which future governors would not be required to comply with open records laws, Groth said, adding that it would have a “significant impact on the transparency of state government.”

“It comes down to this: The court is giving up its ability to check another branch of government, and that should worry people,” Gerry Lanosga, who teaches media law at Indiana University, told the Indianapolis Star.

5-Minute Fix newsletter

Keeping up with politics is easy now.

The appeals court is scheduled to hear oral arguments next week and could reach a decision within the next two months.
What's good for the goose, ain't good for the gander it seems. I want Trumps tax returns to see who really is the criminal here, considering Clinton was never charged with a crime, only investigated, and then found that there was NOTHING to charge her with. Criminal? Of what? A foundation that has been acknowledge to have SAVED MILLIONS OF LIVES? Weras Trump's foundation is being investigated by the NY State Attorney General, to mention one of dozens sueing him, for paying for football helmets and self portraits with his "foundation built on shit" funds.
What the fuck is wrong with this picture?.