Drying Your Marijuna?

alright right now i got 2 plants one plant will be ready to harvest in about a week or less and the other at least 3 weeks. i was wondering if it would matter if i harvested the plant thats ready and hung it with the plant thats still growing in my box. would it effect the taste smell or anything with the lights still on for my plant thats still growing. im asking this cause i read your suppose to hang in a dark place.. but why? thanks. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
THC (resin glands) need to be dried to become psyco-active (stone you) but they will degrade (no good) in the light. Therefore we must dry in complete darkness and never leave your buds in the light laying around.


Well-Known Member
To much exposure to light doesn't allow the chlorophyll to break down. That's why you need to dry them in the dark otherwise you risk getting a "fresh cut grass" flavor and/or smell. Light will also degrade the THC, but it would take some time; it wouldn't happen within a week.


All good advice.
The slower you dry your harvest, the better it will taste/smoke. I dry mine until it feels a bit crispy on the outside, then take a paper grocery bag, and layer it with a single layer of buds, then paper, buds, paper, etc. turn them frequently. When the stem snaps, I put them in a plastic bag, in the refrigerator, overnight, to re-hydrate, then layer 'em back out until dry. Repeat until completely cured.


THC (resin glands) need to be dried to become psyco-active (stone you) but they will degrade (no good) in the light. Therefore we must dry in complete darkness and never leave your buds in the light laying around.
To much exposure to light doesn't allow the chlorophyll to break down. That's why you need to dry them in the dark otherwise you risk getting a "fresh cut grass" flavor and/or smell. Light will also degrade the THC, but it would take some time; it wouldn't happen within a week.
Im glad this comment was also made, i was going to get mega anal about my mix and weekly quota in ziplocks.


Well-Known Member
Jar up your weekly quota (stays fresh) but make sure you check every 4 hours for moisture until you know you are safe.