Drying my buds in jars....


Well-Known Member
Hello guys,

When i dry and cure my buds in my jars i like to shake them in the jar to kind of lossen them up from each other then i open the jar for an hour etc.

I have since read that the glands are sensitive and could be damaged by me shaking the buds how sensitive are these buds!

here the piece i read any feedback or am i just being picky?

Quote: Friction also destroys tender resin glands. Baggies and fondling hands rupture tiny resin glands. :sad:


Well-Known Member
What are the advantages to drying in jars v.s. hanging for a week with proper temp.air and humidity?


Well-Known Member
I barely shake my jars at all and just roll it instead so I dont bump the buds together. Then leave the jar open for 5-10 mins and its off to the dark again.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you still hang your buds but putting them in a jar after they have been hung help pull more moister from the inside of the bud. ya the outer is dry and so far into the bud. this is curing the bud. make it a lot better smoke.


Well-Known Member
What are the advantages to drying in jars v.s. hanging for a week with proper temp.air and humidity?
You need to hang dry for a while to remove the majority of the moisture, then its off to the jars for even moisture distribution and curing :hump: